Thursday, October 25, 2012

my life plan

Fall break.
4-day weekend.
Sweet, sweet, bliss.
Best part? The 75 degree temperature.
And sunshine.
In October.
((We'll just ignore the fact that there's also a chance of snow this weekend.))
Oh and also?
Our FIGHTING IRISH are 7-0!!
Just a little side note for ya!!
Ok now onto the deep stuff.
And by "deep" I mean it's fall break and my brain has shut off for the weekend.
So I'm going to tell you about my plan.
My new life plan.
It's official.
I've decided on what I want to do with my life.
All I need to make it happen?
To become a millionaire so I can quit my job and get this business started.
Ok... at least a thousandaire.
Enough to get me through a year of no "real" job until I can get this process started.
So I'm officially taking donations.
Anyone interested in making an investment?
That's right.
I want to create my own Etsy shop.
For teachers.
You know all those cute ideas you find on Pinterest and you want to make them for your classroom but can't find the time, materials, or energy to actually make them?
I want to make them for you.
Problem is...
I don't have the time, materials, or energy right now.
See my dilemma?
I want to make bulletin board sets.
I want to design full classroom theme decorations.
I want to create manipulatives.
I want to create project kits for all ages.
Things that can help teachers have more time OUTSIDE school with their families and friends.
Cause I know how exhausted I am by the time school ends and yet I have 100 things to get done before I go to bed.
Here are some Pinterest ideas that I'd love to make
(to give you an idea of what I'd do).
Organizational materials and ready-to-go kits for all grade levels.

Educational decorations to go with themes.
Simple dress up clothes.
Fun themes.
Can even make story costume kits!
Felt board kits. It's quiet. It's tactile. It's fun. It's educational.
Activity kits to go with books.
Simple, durable decorations.
((I wouldn't use cardboard.))
Intense classroom decorations. All ready to go.
All you have to do is hang them up and arrange your classroom the way you want it.
I have 1000 brilliant ideas for my classroom.
And I have approximately 2 seconds of time each day that I can devote to making those materials.
Oh and money to buy the stuff I need to make those things?
Yea that's funny!!
It's just not feasible with what I make.
And every teacher I know pretty much feels the same way.
So that's it in a nutshell.
My new life plan.
It's what I want to do.
I've decided.
So maybe someday it will happen...
Only God knows when, how, why, or even if this is HIS life plan for me.
But this is where I'm being pulled right now.
Just wanted to share all that with you.
Put it out there.
I want your thoughts as well.
I'm off to enjoy the rest of my wonderfully long weekend.
You should probably be jealous.
Cause I've literally been in my pajamas all day.
Even while running to the bank and grocery store.
Be jealous of my classy style.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

be strong.

Today was one of those days.
One of those faith testing,
patience pushing,
how far can you go without snapping
kind of days.
That faith testing?
A BIG portion of today.
Like... HUGE.
Now let me give you an idea of my work environment...
I teach preschool at a Christian school.
We just hired a new asst principal who is a pastor/church planter/counselor/etc.
Our school is housed in a building with a church who is very much NOT our cup of tea.
I have the best co-workers in the world.
Also, our school theme this year is the Armor of God.
(Random bits of info... I know)
Every year our school has a school wide theme.
And every year our school is pushed in ways that fit perfectly with our theme.
Cause God's good like that.
So... Armor of God?
Of course we're going to be pushed and tested in that area of our lives.
Today. Was one of those days.
I had a four year old use profanity for the second time this year.
I have a bully situation in my classroom.
I have children who unfortunately have an unsettling home life.
I have children, Lord bless them, who do their best to make good choices.
Talk about being tested and pushed beyond my limits on a regular basis.
Before I go more into detail, I want to share some scripture with you. I love The Message's version of the Armor of God.
A Fight to the Finish
And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. Be prepared. You're up against for more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spririts up so that no one falls behind or drops out.
-Ephesians 6: 10-18
I love it.
We are to put on the FULL Armor of God daily.
Belt of Truth.
Breastplate of Righteousness.
Helmet of Salvation.
Shoes of Peace.
Shield of Faith.
Sword of the Spirit.
All of it.
And the most important part?
We need to support each other.
Because we can't fight this war on our own.
We need God and we need each other.
So how does this fit my day?
Well, it fits my whole year really.
I've been struggling with whether or not this is still the place for me.
Whether or not this should be my last year teaching.
And with everything that happened today, I want this to be my last year teaching for awhile.
Me. I want this.
But I think God has other plans for me.
I'm here at this school, with this group of teachers, with these students, in this whole situation... for a reason.
Luckily, today I was blessed with an impossible amount of patience.
I had a calming feeling over me all day.
I had the right words come to me when I needed to talk to a parent about her child's rough day.
I was able to get everything done on time.
I couldn't have survived the day without our amazing asst. principal.
Without him, I wouldn't have been able to teach my class and give the needed amount of attention to my other students.
He gave me scriptural reminders.
He continuously prayed for me and my students throughout the day.
He was able to offer help when he saw I needed it.
He was able to talk to one of my students 4 times throughout the day and help talk him of the "edge" so to speak.
He helped me to breathe.
The bottom line?
I had to put on every piece of that armor today.
Shoes of Peace to stay patient and not lose it with my students.
Helmet of Salvation because I needed reminding of who my Savior is and He is the reason I'm here at this school.
Breastplate of Righteousness to remind me to do good. Continuously do good.
Belt of Truth because there is spritiual warfare happening within some of these students and it's my job to be the light and truth for them until they are able to seek it themselves.
Shield of Faith because I needed to have faith in God in all those trying times.
Sword of the Spirit which, thankfully, was provided by our asst principal with all his scriptural reminders throughout the day.
And I honestly believe that's the only reason I survived today.
So put on the full Armor of God.
It's worth it.
And if you already trust in God?
Please send up a prayer for me, my students, and our school whenever you get a chance.
God's working in our school, our students, and our lives.
He's going to do miraculous things within all of us this year.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

save some grass. thank a fireman.

Happy 4th of July!!
Happy Birthday to the United States of America!!
And Happy Day Off to (most of) us Americans!!

Raise your hand if you know a fireman.
Or police officer.

Maybe it's just me, the fact that I have a firefighter in my family, have had multiple EMTs in the family, have become friends with another fireman, the fact that my kids are delivering cookies to firemen for kindness week, all the pictures of the Colorado fire, the fireworks ban, or the lack of rain..
(or a mixture of all of the above)
but I've actually been thinking a lot about this holiday and what it means for those who still have to work.

First, let me express how thankful I am to all of our veterans and everyone who is currently in active duty. They fight daily for our freedom.
Without them fighting for our freedom, I may not be able to express myself in my blog.
I'm incredibly thankful for everything that they do for me and our country.

I also believe there are some other "silent" heroes that deserve a big THANK YOU this holiday season.

For all you "out of towners,"
We're in the middle of one of the biggest droughts ever.
Which I am aware isn't "news".
But out by the Elkhart Airport? All black. As in no more grass.
Because it all caught on fire.
All because someone threw a cigarette butt out the window as they were driving down the road.
That's all it takes folks.

Our county (along with most of northern Indiana) has now issued a fireworks ban until July 10. Possibly longer.
And people are complaining.
Am I disappointed that there are no fireworks for the 4th of July?
But do I understand?

All I keep thinking about is all those firemen, police officers, and EMTs who can't spend the 4th of July with their family because they have to be on call and ready to go at a moments notice.
Especially with this drought.
It wouldn't take much to start a huge fire.

So what's more important?
1. Having fireworks on the 4th of July and possibly starting a huge fire that could involve homes?
2. Holding off the fireworks and keeping everyone, and their homes, safe?
-Picture of the Colorado Springs wildfire-

Now I understand that these people are not the only ones who still have to work this holiday.
But take some time to stop and thank those who are working their A$*es off to keep us safe through this holiday and drought.
They deserve our support.

Now go enjoy the freedom that our veterans have earned for you!!
Happy Independence Day!!
(and stay safe!!)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

is this normal?!

Happy Tuesday lovers.

Welp. Today's I'm linkin' up with my good ol' pal Allyce.
She blogs at Chalk in the Rain.
You should probably go check her out when you're done here.

Thought I'd try something different so here we go!!

Is This Normal?!

1. Is it normal to live with your parents past the age of 24?
Umm. I don't think so. However, because of life circumstances and crappy things that have happened, I have to admit that I'm 26 and living with my mom. I hate it. (I love my mama, but I hate that I don't have my own space). I just don't make enough money to get my own place yet. I'm working on it though.

2. Is it normal to leave your house and/or car unlocked?
Not for me! House: always locked. Car: always locked. Even when I get gas. Or run inside the house for 2 minutes. It's just a habit.

3. Is it normal to prefer using your a men's razor instead of a women's?
Not necessarily. I have my own, but when mine is not readily available or completely dull, I may opt for using whatever is in the shower at the time.

4. Is it normal to go back to bed right after showering for a quick nap?
Absolutely. Summer time = showering right before bed. School year = taking a shower then laying down again while it "air dries" more. THEN I will get up and finish doing my hair. However, I don't necessarily fall back asleep. Just lay there and space out.

5. Is it normal to eat chocolate chips straight from the bag?
Yes. However, I do not because I'm not a big chocolate person. They always look tempting, but as soon as I eat one I'm over them.

6. Is it normal to check behind the shower curtain or under the bed before you get in?
Hahahaha!! At my age? Probably not. I do have to admit that I freak myself out quite a bit... and sometimes jump into my bed just incase. But I feel silly every time I do it!!

7. Is it normal to talk to yourself?
Absolutely. I do it all the time. Non stop. Driving. In the shower. Getting ready in the morning. At the gym. However, I have learned to keep these conversations in my head for the most part. I've learned that if I talk out loud to myself, people think I'm strange.
I've learned to keep them in my head for awhile now.
8. Is it normal to bite your nails?
No. I have gone in spurts of it being a habit. But I try not to because I like my nails. Painted nails just look cuter when they're longer!!

9. Is it normal to go to bed without brushing your teeth?
No. I don't know about you, but I can't stand the feeling on my teeth by the end of the day!! And going to bed with that feeling still in my mouth?! Yuck!!

10. Is it normal to "baby talk" your pet?
Anymore, I feel like this is more normal than talking baby talk to your kids. ((Thankfully people are learning to talk to their children like adults. It helps their vocabulary people!!)) However, I still don't feel like it's "normal."

Go over and check out Allyce @ Chalk in the Rain.
You won't regret it!!

Hope you all have a great 4th!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

playing with fire. or water. or whatever.

I'm riding on the wild side today.
I'm attempting to write this post while in the bathtub. On my mother's laptop.
Because I'm so flipping sore it's ridiculous.
TMI? Possibly.
But laptop + water? I'm feeling pretty dangerous right now.
Pinned Image
I should probably be using one of these... it'd be easier.
(Source: pinterest obviously)

Today's point?
Getting to know me. Cause we all know I'm that awesome that everyone wants to be my BFF.
Errr.... something like that.

I feel like my last post was fairly "deep."
Therefore, I thought something a little "lighter" might be appropriate for today.

So I present to you...
What You Should Probably Know About Me If You Want To Be My BFF.

1. I love all kinds of movies.
And I don't have a favorite... so don't ask.
This is all thanks to my ex-hubs and his family.
Movie buffs right there.
I used to be a "normal" movie watcher once upon a time.
Just watching movies for entertainment.
Now, I have become a critic.
I see movies just because the camera work looks amazing.
Or because the actor/actress is amazing.
Not necessarily because of the storyline.
It's ridiculous and I hate it. And I love it all at the same time.

((Alright.. for everyone freaking out about me having the computer so close to the water... I'm putting it away. Chill out.))

Now back to my reasons to love me...

2. I love to read.
Love it.
And yes, I love all the famous series...
Harry Potter
Hunger Games...
Don't judge me.
Pinned Image

3. I love kids.
And I get distracted by them in public.
I will stop in the middle of a sentence if there's a cute kid doing something all cute-like nearby.
I just love kids.
And I promise I'm not intentionally ignoring you.
But, this is why I am a preschool teacher.
And yes, I have the most adorable students ever.

4. I hate quiet.
For reals.
It drives me crazy.
When I read? I still have to have music playing or the tv on.
When I sleep? I need to have the fan on along with the tv on or music playing.
My classroom? Always have music playing in the background.
Even right now? I'm watching season 3 of Grey's Anatomy.

5. I love to eat.
Which is probably why I got as big as I did.
But I do love to eat.
I've just learned to control it now.
However, I still love to go out to eat and won't turn down an opportunity to go out and try something new.
I mean, who doesn't like to eat?!

So there you have it.
Five things that you should probably know about me if you want to be my BFF.
Or just five random things about me.
Happy Monday!!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

right now.

I realize it's been well over a month since a REAL post.
I'm not even going to try to make up excuses.
Because there are no excuses.

But I'm back (yay!!) and I wanted to need to get some things off my chest.
I lot has happened in the past month or so.
(I'm not going to go into detail... I just need to "vent" if you will.)
But it's all helped me to push myself.
To become better.
To become stronger.
To become more confident in who I am.

I AM good enough.
Do I have the perfect body? Absolutely not.
Am I happy with my body right now? No.
Do I want to get stronger and continue working towards my dream body? You better believe it.
But that doesn't mean that I'm not good enough.
That doesn't mean that I'm not already beautiful.

That being said, I'm determined to better my life all around.

I am taking some time to lay out in the sun and enjoy God's beauty.
Take some time for myself - to think and be at peace with myself.

I'm diving back into God's Word.
Learning more about my Creator.
Striving to live my life for Him.
Am I to where I need to be? Absolutely not. I'm far from being a "good" Christian.
But I'm trying.

I'm working to get some more balance in my life.
Getting more organized and prioritizing my life again.
Figuring out what's truly important to me.
((Got my planner from Erin Condren Designs. Amazing. Go get yourself one.))

I'm learning to be ok with my body.
I was recently asked if I was happy with where I am with my body.
My answer? No. I want to be better.
I want to be more fit.
I want to be skinnier.
I want to turn heads when I walk into the room.
Who doesn't?
But I'm still beautiful RIGHT NOW.
I am more fit NOW than I was then.
I am skinnier NOW than I was then.
I feel more comfortable taking pictures NOW.
Because right NOW?
I'm healthier. I'm confident. I'm stronger.
I'm beautiful.

I still have a long way to go before I have my life where I want it to be.
And something else that I have to remember came to me in a devotion.
A lot of times things just don't go our way. The natural response to an undesired event in our life is disappointment. When you apply for that dream job and don't land it. When you think a relationship has potential and it suddenly ends. When you study for hours for an exam only to find you have to re-take it. When you take your 13th pregnancy test and still don't see that second line. When you submit your writings for publication and they aren't accepted. When you pray for that person to change and you don’t see anything different.

If we say that we don’t ever feel disappointment over things like this, we are probably trying to be too spiritual. Feeling disappointment is understandable and even accepted. But, it should be a stepping-stone on our path with Jesus…not the anchor that drowns us.

We all have dreams that we want to see transpire in our lives. But if they are our dreams and we have not consulted our Heavenly Father, then they often lack vision and purpose toward a higher goal. Our plans, even on our very best day, are nothing compared to the amazing plans God has for us.

We have to rest in the sovereignty of God and the fact that he will always keep His Word to us. The last time I checked, our Creator is never late in His promises to us.

Prov 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
I may not be 100% happy with my body, my life, or my relationship with Christ.
But I'm working on it, and God has a plan for my life.
And it's bigger, better, and all around greater than any plan I could ever have for my own life.
I just have to trust Him.

So you may think that I'm not good enough because I don't have the supermodel body.
But that just means that I'm too good for you.

I may not be sexy yet...
but I'm beautiful and I know it.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

go here.

So you like how I apparently fell off the face of the earth?
No worries.
I'm still here.
Just 10x busier than normal.
Like for reals.

I'm so tired today that my whole morning workout?
Yea... I did it with my eyes closed.
Didn't realize they were closed till I was done.
And I've been running into stuff nonstop while walking in my classroom and the hallway because my eyes slowly just close and therefore, I run into things.
It's slightly ridiculous how tired I am.
I feel so far behind on everything.

That's not the point of this little tidbit today.
No siree.
((Sorry... I know you were hoping for a catch up on my life. No worries... that's coming as soon as I get some sleep and have a half hour of time to write it. Promise.))

Today I just wanted to tell all y'alls to head over to Chalk in the Rain.
She's having her first ever giveaway.
And I'm probably definitely going to win.

Now go have a happy Thursday!!
I'm heading off to Louisville for a great weekend getaway with B!!
Woop woop!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


So I was going to post about lots of delicious drinks.
I mean, it's Thirsty Thursday is it not?
Too bad I've drank like 2 times since November and have no crafty drinks to share.
Oh and both those times?
Opposite of creative.

So... I have a "top 10" list if you will.
((I am totes stealing this idea from Erin @ LIY.))
After you're done here you should probably go check her out.
She's hilarious.
In fact, she just dedicated a whole post to macaroni and cheese.
No joke.
She's THAT cool.

So here are 10 confessions of mine.
Or 10 things you may not have known about me.

1. I used to hate doggy kisses.
Then I met Duke.
And he loves to give kisses.
I mean LOVES.
So this is what happens every day. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

2. I struggle daily with going to workout or laying on the couch and being lazy.
When I get home from work I would much rather lay on the couch and watch Ellen.
However, I've figured out that if I don't sit down, it's 10x easier to go straight to the gym.

3. One shoulder dresses?
Love them.
However, anytime I try one on, I hate how I look in them.  And I can't figure out why.
You can buy this dress for me here.

4. I continuously crave pizza.
More specifically one kind of pizza... from one specific place.
Terry's Pizza in Middlebury.
For reals. I'm about ready to ditch the BBQ chicken I'm making right now and order a pizza.
Unfortunately I made a deal with B.
No pizza or taco bell for 40 days (aka Lent).
Lucky for me, this ends Sunday!! Woop Woop!!
Pizza for dinner on Monday?! Yes, please!!

5. I desperately want to play this game.

6. I want to do a morning workout every day.
However, there's this little thing called sleep that wins out every stinkin day.

7. I broke the law.
((For those who aren't from around here, there were Elks placed throughout our county and they were later auctioned off as a fundraiser.  However, it was illegal to climb on them.))
So I did it anyway.
I also gave him a kiss.
But shhhh... don't tell.
Disclaimer: This may or may not have taken place on a "Papa Smurf night."

8. I have a love/hate relationship with asparagus.
I love the taste and the health benefits.
Hate the texture.

9. I honestly believe I was supposed to be born in Italy.
I have this obsession with Italian food.
Mainly pasta and pizza.
My dream vacation?
Italy. Pasta. Pizza. Wine.

10. I love this picture.
And I want to recreate it and hang it in our house.
Found on pinterest.

That pizza?
Yea I can still taste it.
I want it that bad.
O. M. G.
((Just kidding... I kinda want my spring break to last forever.))

So go eat a pizza for me and have a happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

whoa. it's wednesday.

Whoa nelly.
It's already Wednesday??
Time to slow this spring break train down.
Way down.
I'm not ready to go back to work yet.
((insert pouty face))

Thought I'd just play a little catch up today.
Ya know... A little miscellany Wednesday.

1. B has the cutest puppy ever.
Ok he's not technically a puppy anymore.
But still...
Just look at this unbelievably adorable face.
Yup. And I get to snuggle this cute face every stinkin day.

2. I got my birthday present from my aunt Lorraine.
And I pretty much love it.
Yes, I realize the "L" is backwards in the picture.
Chill out.
It's not backwards in real life.

3. This is what my spring break has consisted of.
((It's also consisted of a lot of cleaning, gym time, and tv watching))
Laying on the couch snugglin with my 2 boys.
((The 3rd boy (B) was out golfing at this moment)).
(Oh and the 2nd boy? We have Dexter this week while my mom is house/dog sitting for someone else)
They've been snugglin machines.

4. I finally saw the Hunger Games!!
And yes. I loved it.
I went to a matinee Monday afternoon.
Can you say cheap?
Even better.
I already can't wait for it to come out on DVD.
And I already can't wait for the next movie to come out.
For those of you who have read the book and/or seen the movie,
what are your thoughts?
I'm thinking my thoughts may be a whole other post.
Cause I don't even know where to begin!!

So there's what I've been up to lately.
Uber exciting... I know.
Be jealous.

Happy Wednesday beauties!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

it's a tasty tuesday

Tasty Tuesday anyone?

Well I'm gonna share a delicious recipe with all of you.

I found it at

Now I've given you the link to the original recipe, but I changed some things up so...
this is what I did.

First: preheat oven to 425.

Here's what ya need:
Olive oil
Olive oil spray
Italian flavored bread crumbs
Chicken breasts
Parmesan cheese (I used shredded because thats what we had in the house)

Cut up the chicken into bite sized pieces.
Put 2 tbsp. olive oil in a bowl.
Put 6-8 tbsp of bread crump and 2 tbsp of the cheese in a bowl.
((I used 8 tbsp bread crumbs because I cut up 3 chicken breasts instead of 2))

Season with salt and pepper.
((I didn't have pepper. We're out. So I used Famous Dave's Seasoning.
Cover the chicken with the olive oil.

Spray the pan with olive oil spray before adding the chicken.
((I added a little more parmesan cheese on top))
Then cover with another thin layer of olive oil spray on top.

Cook for 10 minutes.
Cook for 5 more minutes.

And Wa-La!!

They look delicious right?!?!


**I also made some later in the evening for the boyfriend and he added some hotter spices to give it a little "zing" and he loved them!! Feel free to play around with the spices!!

Today I'm linking up with The New Modern Momma!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

when you wish upon a star

It's only Monday and I already don't want this break to end.
Pretty sure spring break as an adult is 10x better than spring break as a child/teenager.
No joke.

So.. I had every intention of writing this post Friday when I got home from work.
And then I was completely exhausted from the week.
 So I was going to write it Saturday.
And then I woke up early to clean then was completely exhausted the rest of the day.
So I was going to write it Sunday.
And then I took one last lazy day.
So here it is Monday, and I'm finally writing this post.

Now let me preface by explaining that last week my preschool classes were learning the letter "W".
What starts with "W"?
So I made a wish jar during the week and on Friday we wrote down our wishes to place in our wish jar.

Got the idea for the jar here:

Now obviously mine is not near as pretty because I didn't have a hot glue gun.
But that's besides the point.

Back to the point of this post...
I wanted to share some of my preschoolers wishes with you.

((Warning: some of these are tear jerkers))

"I wish I had a new house."
"I wish I could go to Florida with my friends."
"I wish everything in my house was pink."
"I wish I was a princess."
"I wish I was a monkey."
"I wish I could go to South America."
"I wish I had more Barbie's."
"I wish my Grandpa could come back alive."
"I wish I had a billion sisters."
"I wish I could see my mommy."
"I wish I could play basketball."
"I wish I could play Plants vs. Zombies all the time."
"I wish I could play basketball."
"I wish that my daddy would come back home."
"I wish I could play baseball in minors."
"I wish I was handsome."
"I wish I had a pink car that goes slow with GPS that turns into a radio."
"I wish I could go to the waterpark."
"I wish I went to princess land."
"I wish I could fly a rocketship."
"I wish I was a mermaid."
"I wish I had a phone and could play games on it."
"I wish I could read a book."
"I wish I could surf on my own surf board."
"I wish I went to Hawaii to discover fish."
"I wish I had a Belle costume with gloves, high heels, a crown, and earrings."
"I wish my sister had a princess bike."
"I wish I could go to Minnesota."
"I wish I could drive."
"I wish I was a fish."
"I wish I had a Hotwheels car with a door that goes up and I could drive it."
"I wish I had a unicorn with rainbow hair, a horn, and wings."
"I wish I could do a flip on my 4-wheeler."
"I wish that my sister had a horse."
"I wish I could have a fire surf board."
"I wish I could have my birthday a million times."
"I wish I had a real unicorn."

What are some of your wishes??

Thursday, March 29, 2012

why i love birthdays

Hey chickpees!
Happy Thursday!!
((That means only one more day of work!! Woop woop!!))

So I was actually asked why I make such a big deal out of my birthday.
Here's why.

This is what my birthday celebrations included:

Dinner at Rulli's with B's family.
26 spankings, a pinch to grow an inch, and a punch to grow a bunch by B's 10 year old nephew.
Fishing on the golf course with the most amazing man ever.
Waking up with a smile on my face with extra kisses from that most amazing man ever.
Feeling like I'm on top of the world... even if it is just for a day.
The countless "happy birthdays".
The many many handmade birthday cards from my kids.
The variety of birthday gifts from my kids even though their smiling faces are enough for me.
Eating delicious Olive Garden for dinner with my mommy and B.
Eating my favorite kind of cake.
The most amazing man in the world spoiling me and letting me shop online for my birthday present.
My kids singing "happy birthday" to me over and over and over.

I believe that everyone should feel special on their birthday.
It's their day.
It should be all about them!

That's why I make such a big deal out of my birthday.

I do have to say one of my favorite parts out of that whole list was spending time with B fishing on the golf course.
I hate fish.
Scratch that.
That's an understatement.
I'm terrified of fish.
But I loved spending that time with him!!

Here are just a few snapshots of fishing.
 My first catch!!
Isn't he a handsome little fella??

Second fishy!! 

My third and last catch of the night!! 

I love this stud muffin..
And he's mine, all mine ladies!!

((Notice how he was nice enough to hold the fish for me every time?? Yea.. that's one of the many reasons that he rocks))
Maybe by the end of the summer I'll work up the nerve to touch the fish myself.....

Spending time with B doing something that he loves to do??
There's nothing better.
Even if it was freezing outside ;)

Bottom line??
It's ok to spoil yourself every once in awhile.

Did I cheat on my diet and probably gain 5 lbs?
Do I regret it?
Absolutely NOT.

So go ahead, plan out your own birthday and make it the best birthday ever!!

Happy Thursday
Happy Almost-Spring-Break!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

oh dear wednesday..

I think it's safe to say I've hit the busy time of year.

I've been exhausted lately.
Actually I think exhausted is an understatement.
Between work, going to the gym, and celebrating my birthday (horrible I know...), I've been runnin all over the place.
I feel like I've been going nonstop.

So... enjoy a short post some of the latest funnies I found on Pinterest!!
Hopefully they'll cheer up the rest of your week.

Happy Hump Day Lovelies!!

Today I'm linking up with: