I'm riding on the wild side today.
I'm attempting to write this post while in the bathtub. On my mother's laptop.
Because I'm so flipping sore it's ridiculous.
TMI? Possibly.
But laptop + water? I'm feeling pretty dangerous right now.
I should probably be using one of these... it'd be easier.
Today's point?
Getting to know me. Cause we all know I'm that awesome that everyone wants to be my BFF.
Errr.... something like that.
I feel like my last post was fairly "deep."
Therefore, I thought something a little "lighter" might be appropriate for today.
So I present to you...
What You Should Probably Know About Me If You Want To Be My BFF.
1. I love all kinds of movies.
And I don't have a favorite... so don't ask.
This is all thanks to my ex-hubs and his family.
Movie buffs right there.
I used to be a "normal" movie watcher once upon a time.
Just watching movies for entertainment.
Now, I have become a critic.
I see movies just because the camera work looks amazing.
Or because the actor/actress is amazing.
Not necessarily because of the storyline.
It's ridiculous and I hate it. And I love it all at the same time.
((Alright.. for everyone freaking out about me having the computer so close to the water... I'm putting it away. Chill out.))
Now back to my reasons to love me...
2. I love to read.
Love it.
And yes, I love all the famous series...
Harry Potter
Hunger Games...
Don't judge me.
3. I love kids.
And I get distracted by them in public.
I will stop in the middle of a sentence if there's a cute kid doing something all cute-like nearby.
I just love kids.
And I promise I'm not intentionally ignoring you.
But, this is why I am a preschool teacher.
And yes, I have the most adorable students ever.

4. I hate quiet.
For reals.
It drives me crazy.
When I read? I still have to have music playing or the tv on.
When I sleep? I need to have the fan on along with the tv on or music playing.
My classroom? Always have music playing in the background.
Even right now? I'm watching season 3 of Grey's Anatomy.
5. I love to eat.
Which is probably why I got as big as I did.
But I do love to eat.
I've just learned to control it now.
However, I still love to go out to eat and won't turn down an opportunity to go out and try something new.
I mean, who doesn't like to eat?!
So there you have it.
Five things that you should probably know about me if you want to be my BFF.
Or just five random things about me.
Happy Monday!!
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