Thursday, April 5, 2012


So I was going to post about lots of delicious drinks.
I mean, it's Thirsty Thursday is it not?
Too bad I've drank like 2 times since November and have no crafty drinks to share.
Oh and both those times?
Opposite of creative.

So... I have a "top 10" list if you will.
((I am totes stealing this idea from Erin @ LIY.))
After you're done here you should probably go check her out.
She's hilarious.
In fact, she just dedicated a whole post to macaroni and cheese.
No joke.
She's THAT cool.

So here are 10 confessions of mine.
Or 10 things you may not have known about me.

1. I used to hate doggy kisses.
Then I met Duke.
And he loves to give kisses.
I mean LOVES.
So this is what happens every day. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

2. I struggle daily with going to workout or laying on the couch and being lazy.
When I get home from work I would much rather lay on the couch and watch Ellen.
However, I've figured out that if I don't sit down, it's 10x easier to go straight to the gym.

3. One shoulder dresses?
Love them.
However, anytime I try one on, I hate how I look in them.  And I can't figure out why.
You can buy this dress for me here.

4. I continuously crave pizza.
More specifically one kind of pizza... from one specific place.
Terry's Pizza in Middlebury.
For reals. I'm about ready to ditch the BBQ chicken I'm making right now and order a pizza.
Unfortunately I made a deal with B.
No pizza or taco bell for 40 days (aka Lent).
Lucky for me, this ends Sunday!! Woop Woop!!
Pizza for dinner on Monday?! Yes, please!!

5. I desperately want to play this game.

6. I want to do a morning workout every day.
However, there's this little thing called sleep that wins out every stinkin day.

7. I broke the law.
((For those who aren't from around here, there were Elks placed throughout our county and they were later auctioned off as a fundraiser.  However, it was illegal to climb on them.))
So I did it anyway.
I also gave him a kiss.
But shhhh... don't tell.
Disclaimer: This may or may not have taken place on a "Papa Smurf night."

8. I have a love/hate relationship with asparagus.
I love the taste and the health benefits.
Hate the texture.

9. I honestly believe I was supposed to be born in Italy.
I have this obsession with Italian food.
Mainly pasta and pizza.
My dream vacation?
Italy. Pasta. Pizza. Wine.

10. I love this picture.
And I want to recreate it and hang it in our house.
Found on pinterest.

That pizza?
Yea I can still taste it.
I want it that bad.
O. M. G.
((Just kidding... I kinda want my spring break to last forever.))

So go eat a pizza for me and have a happy Thursday!!

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