Thursday, October 25, 2012

my life plan

Fall break.
4-day weekend.
Sweet, sweet, bliss.
Best part? The 75 degree temperature.
And sunshine.
In October.
((We'll just ignore the fact that there's also a chance of snow this weekend.))
Oh and also?
Our FIGHTING IRISH are 7-0!!
Just a little side note for ya!!
Ok now onto the deep stuff.
And by "deep" I mean it's fall break and my brain has shut off for the weekend.
So I'm going to tell you about my plan.
My new life plan.
It's official.
I've decided on what I want to do with my life.
All I need to make it happen?
To become a millionaire so I can quit my job and get this business started.
Ok... at least a thousandaire.
Enough to get me through a year of no "real" job until I can get this process started.
So I'm officially taking donations.
Anyone interested in making an investment?
That's right.
I want to create my own Etsy shop.
For teachers.
You know all those cute ideas you find on Pinterest and you want to make them for your classroom but can't find the time, materials, or energy to actually make them?
I want to make them for you.
Problem is...
I don't have the time, materials, or energy right now.
See my dilemma?
I want to make bulletin board sets.
I want to design full classroom theme decorations.
I want to create manipulatives.
I want to create project kits for all ages.
Things that can help teachers have more time OUTSIDE school with their families and friends.
Cause I know how exhausted I am by the time school ends and yet I have 100 things to get done before I go to bed.
Here are some Pinterest ideas that I'd love to make
(to give you an idea of what I'd do).
Organizational materials and ready-to-go kits for all grade levels.

Educational decorations to go with themes.
Simple dress up clothes.
Fun themes.
Can even make story costume kits!
Felt board kits. It's quiet. It's tactile. It's fun. It's educational.
Activity kits to go with books.
Simple, durable decorations.
((I wouldn't use cardboard.))
Intense classroom decorations. All ready to go.
All you have to do is hang them up and arrange your classroom the way you want it.
I have 1000 brilliant ideas for my classroom.
And I have approximately 2 seconds of time each day that I can devote to making those materials.
Oh and money to buy the stuff I need to make those things?
Yea that's funny!!
It's just not feasible with what I make.
And every teacher I know pretty much feels the same way.
So that's it in a nutshell.
My new life plan.
It's what I want to do.
I've decided.
So maybe someday it will happen...
Only God knows when, how, why, or even if this is HIS life plan for me.
But this is where I'm being pulled right now.
Just wanted to share all that with you.
Put it out there.
I want your thoughts as well.
I'm off to enjoy the rest of my wonderfully long weekend.
You should probably be jealous.
Cause I've literally been in my pajamas all day.
Even while running to the bank and grocery store.
Be jealous of my classy style.

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