Wednesday, April 4, 2012

whoa. it's wednesday.

Whoa nelly.
It's already Wednesday??
Time to slow this spring break train down.
Way down.
I'm not ready to go back to work yet.
((insert pouty face))

Thought I'd just play a little catch up today.
Ya know... A little miscellany Wednesday.

1. B has the cutest puppy ever.
Ok he's not technically a puppy anymore.
But still...
Just look at this unbelievably adorable face.
Yup. And I get to snuggle this cute face every stinkin day.

2. I got my birthday present from my aunt Lorraine.
And I pretty much love it.
Yes, I realize the "L" is backwards in the picture.
Chill out.
It's not backwards in real life.

3. This is what my spring break has consisted of.
((It's also consisted of a lot of cleaning, gym time, and tv watching))
Laying on the couch snugglin with my 2 boys.
((The 3rd boy (B) was out golfing at this moment)).
(Oh and the 2nd boy? We have Dexter this week while my mom is house/dog sitting for someone else)
They've been snugglin machines.

4. I finally saw the Hunger Games!!
And yes. I loved it.
I went to a matinee Monday afternoon.
Can you say cheap?
Even better.
I already can't wait for it to come out on DVD.
And I already can't wait for the next movie to come out.
For those of you who have read the book and/or seen the movie,
what are your thoughts?
I'm thinking my thoughts may be a whole other post.
Cause I don't even know where to begin!!

So there's what I've been up to lately.
Uber exciting... I know.
Be jealous.

Happy Wednesday beauties!!


  1. Am I the only one left in this world who hasn't seen The Hunger Games yet?! I even started and finished the book the day before the movie came out so I'd be ready...Boo. I need to get on that!

  2. What a great SB! Check out my blog! It's in the beginning stages, but with your preschool background you may eventually come across a post of mine you may find useful with your class :)
