Wednesday, July 4, 2012

save some grass. thank a fireman.

Happy 4th of July!!
Happy Birthday to the United States of America!!
And Happy Day Off to (most of) us Americans!!

Raise your hand if you know a fireman.
Or police officer.

Maybe it's just me, the fact that I have a firefighter in my family, have had multiple EMTs in the family, have become friends with another fireman, the fact that my kids are delivering cookies to firemen for kindness week, all the pictures of the Colorado fire, the fireworks ban, or the lack of rain..
(or a mixture of all of the above)
but I've actually been thinking a lot about this holiday and what it means for those who still have to work.

First, let me express how thankful I am to all of our veterans and everyone who is currently in active duty. They fight daily for our freedom.
Without them fighting for our freedom, I may not be able to express myself in my blog.
I'm incredibly thankful for everything that they do for me and our country.

I also believe there are some other "silent" heroes that deserve a big THANK YOU this holiday season.

For all you "out of towners,"
We're in the middle of one of the biggest droughts ever.
Which I am aware isn't "news".
But out by the Elkhart Airport? All black. As in no more grass.
Because it all caught on fire.
All because someone threw a cigarette butt out the window as they were driving down the road.
That's all it takes folks.

Our county (along with most of northern Indiana) has now issued a fireworks ban until July 10. Possibly longer.
And people are complaining.
Am I disappointed that there are no fireworks for the 4th of July?
But do I understand?

All I keep thinking about is all those firemen, police officers, and EMTs who can't spend the 4th of July with their family because they have to be on call and ready to go at a moments notice.
Especially with this drought.
It wouldn't take much to start a huge fire.

So what's more important?
1. Having fireworks on the 4th of July and possibly starting a huge fire that could involve homes?
2. Holding off the fireworks and keeping everyone, and their homes, safe?
-Picture of the Colorado Springs wildfire-

Now I understand that these people are not the only ones who still have to work this holiday.
But take some time to stop and thank those who are working their A$*es off to keep us safe through this holiday and drought.
They deserve our support.

Now go enjoy the freedom that our veterans have earned for you!!
Happy Independence Day!!
(and stay safe!!)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

is this normal?!

Happy Tuesday lovers.

Welp. Today's I'm linkin' up with my good ol' pal Allyce.
She blogs at Chalk in the Rain.
You should probably go check her out when you're done here.

Thought I'd try something different so here we go!!

Is This Normal?!

1. Is it normal to live with your parents past the age of 24?
Umm. I don't think so. However, because of life circumstances and crappy things that have happened, I have to admit that I'm 26 and living with my mom. I hate it. (I love my mama, but I hate that I don't have my own space). I just don't make enough money to get my own place yet. I'm working on it though.

2. Is it normal to leave your house and/or car unlocked?
Not for me! House: always locked. Car: always locked. Even when I get gas. Or run inside the house for 2 minutes. It's just a habit.

3. Is it normal to prefer using your a men's razor instead of a women's?
Not necessarily. I have my own, but when mine is not readily available or completely dull, I may opt for using whatever is in the shower at the time.

4. Is it normal to go back to bed right after showering for a quick nap?
Absolutely. Summer time = showering right before bed. School year = taking a shower then laying down again while it "air dries" more. THEN I will get up and finish doing my hair. However, I don't necessarily fall back asleep. Just lay there and space out.

5. Is it normal to eat chocolate chips straight from the bag?
Yes. However, I do not because I'm not a big chocolate person. They always look tempting, but as soon as I eat one I'm over them.

6. Is it normal to check behind the shower curtain or under the bed before you get in?
Hahahaha!! At my age? Probably not. I do have to admit that I freak myself out quite a bit... and sometimes jump into my bed just incase. But I feel silly every time I do it!!

7. Is it normal to talk to yourself?
Absolutely. I do it all the time. Non stop. Driving. In the shower. Getting ready in the morning. At the gym. However, I have learned to keep these conversations in my head for the most part. I've learned that if I talk out loud to myself, people think I'm strange.
I've learned to keep them in my head for awhile now.
8. Is it normal to bite your nails?
No. I have gone in spurts of it being a habit. But I try not to because I like my nails. Painted nails just look cuter when they're longer!!

9. Is it normal to go to bed without brushing your teeth?
No. I don't know about you, but I can't stand the feeling on my teeth by the end of the day!! And going to bed with that feeling still in my mouth?! Yuck!!

10. Is it normal to "baby talk" your pet?
Anymore, I feel like this is more normal than talking baby talk to your kids. ((Thankfully people are learning to talk to their children like adults. It helps their vocabulary people!!)) However, I still don't feel like it's "normal."

Go over and check out Allyce @ Chalk in the Rain.
You won't regret it!!

Hope you all have a great 4th!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

playing with fire. or water. or whatever.

I'm riding on the wild side today.
I'm attempting to write this post while in the bathtub. On my mother's laptop.
Because I'm so flipping sore it's ridiculous.
TMI? Possibly.
But laptop + water? I'm feeling pretty dangerous right now.
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I should probably be using one of these... it'd be easier.
(Source: pinterest obviously)

Today's point?
Getting to know me. Cause we all know I'm that awesome that everyone wants to be my BFF.
Errr.... something like that.

I feel like my last post was fairly "deep."
Therefore, I thought something a little "lighter" might be appropriate for today.

So I present to you...
What You Should Probably Know About Me If You Want To Be My BFF.

1. I love all kinds of movies.
And I don't have a favorite... so don't ask.
This is all thanks to my ex-hubs and his family.
Movie buffs right there.
I used to be a "normal" movie watcher once upon a time.
Just watching movies for entertainment.
Now, I have become a critic.
I see movies just because the camera work looks amazing.
Or because the actor/actress is amazing.
Not necessarily because of the storyline.
It's ridiculous and I hate it. And I love it all at the same time.

((Alright.. for everyone freaking out about me having the computer so close to the water... I'm putting it away. Chill out.))

Now back to my reasons to love me...

2. I love to read.
Love it.
And yes, I love all the famous series...
Harry Potter
Hunger Games...
Don't judge me.
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3. I love kids.
And I get distracted by them in public.
I will stop in the middle of a sentence if there's a cute kid doing something all cute-like nearby.
I just love kids.
And I promise I'm not intentionally ignoring you.
But, this is why I am a preschool teacher.
And yes, I have the most adorable students ever.

4. I hate quiet.
For reals.
It drives me crazy.
When I read? I still have to have music playing or the tv on.
When I sleep? I need to have the fan on along with the tv on or music playing.
My classroom? Always have music playing in the background.
Even right now? I'm watching season 3 of Grey's Anatomy.

5. I love to eat.
Which is probably why I got as big as I did.
But I do love to eat.
I've just learned to control it now.
However, I still love to go out to eat and won't turn down an opportunity to go out and try something new.
I mean, who doesn't like to eat?!

So there you have it.
Five things that you should probably know about me if you want to be my BFF.
Or just five random things about me.
Happy Monday!!