Friday, February 25, 2011

Awkward and Awesome Thursday (a day late)

So none of my kids showed up for class this afternoon... (kinda makes me feel like something was going on that I obviously wasn't aware of.)  Ehhh... I'm over it.  Anyway.... I took advantage of the free time by perusing various blogs and I came across this one: The Daybook.  I'm in love.  I love her photography, style, writing.... everything.  N E WAYS...... just about every Thursday her post consists of Awkward and Awesome things that have happened.  (You should check it out).  Well I love the idea (she challenges others to do it as well and connect it to her blog) but I just never have felt creative enough to accomplish this task.  Well ladies and gents... today has been such a day that I don't feel I have to be creative.  Today was creative within itself. So... I present to you my totally awkward and awesome Thursday... (a day late).


1. Trying to convince a 65 year old woman that she does NOT know more than you and doesn't necessarily know the best way to handle things.  This is more challenging than you think.  I couldn't just say "you're an idiot" but I had to try to explain in a round-about way that things aren't the same as they were 40 years ago and therefore, you may not know best.  Now I'm not saying I do either.... but the times have changed and so has society... things that used to be controversial may not be handled the same way anymore.

2. Making the same 65 year old woman almost cry. Awkward. No explanation needed.

3. Trying to stifle a laugh while in the bathroom because I was thinking about the days events. Granted no one else was in there at the time but still... awkward.

4. Having a conversation with parents about the happenings of the day.... especially on a day like today. (Sorry I can't divulge the details on here). The fact that I don't have children of my own makes it all the more awkward.

5. Attempting to take pictures of myself.  Not only am I never happy with how I look in them, half the time they're blurry!! I look at all these self-portraits on people's facebooks (aka the mirror shots) and they don't look bad... but mine? NAST.

6. Telling a guy that I find physically attractive what clothes to wear to make him look even hotter.  HA HA HA... Wow. To me, that is extremely awkward.  Now he doesn't know I find him attractive, but I do and that's enough awkward for me.

7. Answering the door for the FedEx guy while I'm in the middle of my afternoon snack.  It never fails - he ALWAYS comes right after I put a bite in my mouth. You'd think maybe I'd change my snack time? HA. I'm not that quick. Then proceeding to "flirt" (no I'm not hitting on him but he is nice) with him all the while trying to make sure I don't have food in my teeth.


1. Being able to look at all the days events and be able to laugh about it all.  Seriously.... today was one of those days.  Everything that could've went wrong did and yet - I can't help but laugh because it's all so ridic. Which leads me to my next awesome thing....

2. Not finishing words. Awesome. Words such as "ridic" or "nast".... I love it. :)

3. Compliments. I actually just received a compliment from a parent that I never expected a compliment from and it felt awesome! Parents - be sure to compliment your child's teachers... it makes their day. :)

4. Loud music and sunglasses. Since I work till 6:00 every evening this combination is nearly impossible to come across during the winter. However, with spring drawing ever so near and time change coming (yay!!) this situation will arise more often on my way home from work and I. Can't. Wait!

5. Awkward situations. As awkward as they are at the time, I can't help but laugh about them later and that is awesome. :)

6. Friendships and margaritas. Or even better: reconnecting with friends over liters of margaritas! I've been extremely blessed over the past few weekends (and this coming weekend) to spend time catching up with friends (and family) who I haven't exactly been the perfect friend to over the past few years/months and I am making a vow to stay connected to all of you! :)

7. Randomly hearing "BAZINGA" throughout my day. It always puts a smile on my face. Believe it or not I have a few 3 and 4 year olds that love watching Sheldon Cooper every week and every once in awhile I hear a "BAZINGA" while cleaning up. It. Is. Awesome!

8. Awesome hats. This past Wednesday one of my kids came to school with The. Coolest. Hat. Hands down. See for yourself below.... how awesome is that?!?! :)

And this concludes Awkward and Awesome Thursday (a day late). :D

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

awesome things in life

I found this blog over my lunch... 1000 Awesome Things.  I love it!!  Just about every day this person posts about something amazing in life.  Some of them are a little ridiculous and funny (#303 All the food that comes out of a pig) and some are just truly amazing things that we take for granted (#305 When little kids hit the age where they just start saying hi to everyone).  And these are just the most recent ones that I quickly read through!!  There are even 2 books out which someone is more than welcome to buy me for my birthday coming up!! ((HINT HINT!!))

Anyway, this just got me thinking about all the awesome things in my life right now.  I'm just coming down from an absolutely amazing 4 day weekend full of awesome!!  Here are some of the AWESOME things from this weekend:

-reconnecting with Amber (who i havent talked to since Sept) for 4 hours over margaritas at Hacienda!!
-meeting Rachel that very same night
-getting an adjustment Saturday morning -- there's no more pain in my hip when I run!!
-getting to spend Saturday evening with amazing women and celebrating Andreas last few days as a single woman!!
-again, meeting new people!!!
-wearing shorts and flip flops to church even tho there was about an inch of ice to slush through out to my car afterwards
-spending Sunday afternoon and evening with Alex
-being blessed to have a friend (Alex) who takes me out to a movie and pays even tho I'm broke!
-having great conversation with Strebin Sunday night
-relaxing all day on Monday
-an amazing gpa who came and plowed our driveway for me
-losing 5 lbs already!!!!
-having an AMAZING workout Monday afternoon in which I burned 260 calories!!
-waking up the first time (not the 3rd like I usually do) my alarm went off and not being tired this morning!!

 I have had so much awesomness this past weekend and I couldn't be happier!!  Even this next weekend I'm looking forward to catching up with Nicole and hopefully spending time with more friends!!

 God has truly blessed me this weekend!!  All praise is due to Him for my entire weekend because I couldn't have planned it any better!!  It was exactly what I needed after going through such a down time. 

He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.  He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me.
Psalm 18:16-17

Pastor Jim even gave a message this Sunday about depression and different ways that we can take the initiative and get out of that dark place.  The most basic rule: GET UP AND GET OUT!!  I was able to get up and get out with a lot of amazing people this past weekend and I feel GREAT!!!  :D

You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.  With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.  As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord's word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.  For who is God besides the Lord?  And who is the Rock except our God?  It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.
Psalm 18: 28-32

This morning during my devotions I read Psalm 18 and it was exactly what I was feeling in my heart!!!  God knows when we need help!!  :D

When is the last time you found the awesome in your life?!?!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Finding the beauty in life...

"...when you sense a faint potentiality for happiness after such dark times you must grab onto the ankles of that happiness and not let it go until it drags you face-first out of the dirt - this is not selfishness, but obligation. You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight."      -Eat, Pray, Love

I've set out on a mission to find all the beauty in my life "no matter how slight."  I look at pictures of kids and you can actually see the beauty that they see in life. Now I'm not a fan of snow at all. I despise it actually. It leads to nothing but the "winter blues." But then I see the kids playing in the snow and see all their excitement and it reminds me of how beautiful snow really is.  They don't see the coldness and "blahness" of winter.  They see the playfulness, the fluffiness, the potential of what the snow can become - snow men, snow angels, giant snow balls, a fort, quick sand........

So... I'm determined to find all the beauty in my life.  Count the blessings in my life.  Take time to "smell the roses."

Although it looks absolutely disgusting outside with the nasty dirty snow and the mini lakes everywhere you go... have you taken the time to appreciate the warmer temps?  The birds chirping?  The sunshine on your face?  This is my favorite time of year.  The warmth and the sunshine boosts my energy level 10-fold.  This is when you can call/text me and I won't respond because I WON'T HEAR IT!!  I turn my music up as loud as it goes, put my shades on, open my sunroof and drive!  My 20 minute drive home from work has turned into "me time."  A time for me to thank God for all the beauty in my life.  Every compliment I've received, the hugs and kisses from my kids, the cherished conversations, and the wonderful laughs I've shared so far.

When's the last time you thanked God for the beauty in YOUR life?

Friday, February 11, 2011

GoaLs for 2011: A nEw ME!!

I realize that it's already the middle of February but it's time for me to set goals for this year. A lot has happened in my life throughout 2010 and already so far in 2011. My marriage has ended. I've moved about a bajillion times (at least it feels that way to me). I have felt the Holy Spirit move tremendously in my life. And I'm determined to find peace in my life. This is the story of my new beginning... (and this is why I've deleted all my previous posts and started fresh)...

I have decided that it's time for me to grow in every aspect of my life: socially, financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc. My marriage is in the process of ending (the divorce will be finalized in a few months) and right now I feel like I am failing in every aspect of my life. It's time to put an end to those feelings.

I realize that these goals will probably be revised numerous times over the next few weeks/months due to the fact that I really just started thinking about this last night... but I'm prepared for that. I think more than anything I'll be adding more goals. :) So... here they are:

-Take a vacation by myself. This doesn't necessarily mean I have to go alone... I just want my vacation to be about me. Do whatever I want. Not have to worry about anyone else. Right now my plan is to go to L.A./Santa Monica area. Beach. Warmth. City life. Somewhere new. I'm also leaning towards Portland/Seattle. (Yes, I realize those are not in the same state.) I would fly into Portland to visit my sister-in-law, then continue on up to Seattle for the main portion of my vacation.
-Set aside some of my monthly budget for "friend time." This includes going out to movies, dinner, etc.

-Pay off a student loan
-Set and follow a monthly budget
-Purchase a new laptop (one that isn't 6 years old) :)

-Continue blogging once per week.  Eventually build up to 2+ times per week.
-Get back into reading.  Set aside at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week to read a book that I enjoy; set aside 1-2 hours on the weekend to spend reading.

-Start eating more veggies.  Eventually (by April 30th) eat the majority of my meals as veggies.
-Try more new foods.
-Learn to cook/bake new dishes that are healthier for me. (If any of you have ideas, please pass them on to me!!)
-Start spending at least 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week working out.
-Complete the Couch to 5k program by June 30th. (I'm allowing the weather some time to warm up first).
-Cut down my caffeine (aka Mt. Dew) intake.  By March 31st - only drink soda at special occasions (going out to eat, parties, etc.)
-Join a Zumba class. (If you know if any in the area that are reasonably priced and later in the evening, let me know!)

-Read through the entire Bible by December 31st.
-Spend time each morning reading devotions and spending time in reflection.
-Sign up for another area of ministry at Grace Comm. Church.
-Tithe 2 times a month (after each paycheck).
-Share my faith more openly with people around me. Don't be afraid to talk about God and the blessings he has put in my life.

This is a new beginning. This is the beginning of my new life.  I am determined to spend the next year finding peace within myself and devoting my life to God.  I have felt Him moving in my life in remarkable ways the past few weeks and I want to serve Him with my whole life.

God bless.