Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013. bring it on.

New year? New resolutions.
Honestly... part of me hates making resolutions.
Why make resolutions when your track record shows that you don't stick to most of them?
Well, the other part of me needs to make them.

So here we are. The first day of the new year and I need to throw my new resolutions out there!

So feel free to hold me accountable.
Ask me how I'm doing with them.
Make me stick to them!

So... here we go!!

Physical Health:
-Finally hit my target weight. 50 lbs to go. I lost 50 lbs last year, I can do it again this year.
-Run 3 5k races.
-Train for a 10k race.
-Run up the S curves by the end of the year.
-Run at least 3 times a week.
-Do weight lifting at least 3 times a week. Push for 6 times a week.

-Find a new job that is more financially stable.
-Pay off 2 student loans.
-Try more new recipes.
-Research how to create an Etsy shop and possibly begin the process of starting one.
-Implement a daily/weekly cleaning schedule.
-Stick to a monthly budget.
-Get more organized!! 
Pinned Image

-Blog more regularly. Aim for once per week.
-Read more books.
-Don't be afraid to take some "me time" whenever it's needed.
-Paint more!!

-Read the Bible daily.
-Do a devotional daily.
-Read more Christian books to help grow my faith.
-Pray daily.

Simple enough right?

To get my fitness goals kicked off, I joined in with a small weight loss competition that my friend set up.
$25 cash to join.
8 weeks.
Weekly weigh-ins.
Cash prizes.
I'm determined to do this.
I've fallen off the wagon lately.
Gained some weight back.
Started drinking pop again.
My diet just went to the crapper.

But no more.
I'm getting back on track.
I WILL hit my goal weight this year.
50 lbs to go.

As far as the new job?
I went out on a limb already... took a leap of faith.
I turned in my intent letter marked as a "NO".
I am officially not going back to Redeemer next year.
And they've already filled my position for next year so there's no turning back!
Luckily I have made amazing friends with some families over the past few years and they are all willing to help me find a new job.
So I'm not too worried about it yet...
I have 5 months.

So there it is.
Personally, I think those are all easy, obtainable goals.
There's no reason why I shouldn't be able to stick to them.

I'm ready to get started and make my life better!!

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