Thursday, April 19, 2012

go here.

So you like how I apparently fell off the face of the earth?
No worries.
I'm still here.
Just 10x busier than normal.
Like for reals.

I'm so tired today that my whole morning workout?
Yea... I did it with my eyes closed.
Didn't realize they were closed till I was done.
And I've been running into stuff nonstop while walking in my classroom and the hallway because my eyes slowly just close and therefore, I run into things.
It's slightly ridiculous how tired I am.
I feel so far behind on everything.

That's not the point of this little tidbit today.
No siree.
((Sorry... I know you were hoping for a catch up on my life. No worries... that's coming as soon as I get some sleep and have a half hour of time to write it. Promise.))

Today I just wanted to tell all y'alls to head over to Chalk in the Rain.
She's having her first ever giveaway.
And I'm probably definitely going to win.

Now go have a happy Thursday!!
I'm heading off to Louisville for a great weekend getaway with B!!
Woop woop!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


So I was going to post about lots of delicious drinks.
I mean, it's Thirsty Thursday is it not?
Too bad I've drank like 2 times since November and have no crafty drinks to share.
Oh and both those times?
Opposite of creative.

So... I have a "top 10" list if you will.
((I am totes stealing this idea from Erin @ LIY.))
After you're done here you should probably go check her out.
She's hilarious.
In fact, she just dedicated a whole post to macaroni and cheese.
No joke.
She's THAT cool.

So here are 10 confessions of mine.
Or 10 things you may not have known about me.

1. I used to hate doggy kisses.
Then I met Duke.
And he loves to give kisses.
I mean LOVES.
So this is what happens every day. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

2. I struggle daily with going to workout or laying on the couch and being lazy.
When I get home from work I would much rather lay on the couch and watch Ellen.
However, I've figured out that if I don't sit down, it's 10x easier to go straight to the gym.

3. One shoulder dresses?
Love them.
However, anytime I try one on, I hate how I look in them.  And I can't figure out why.
You can buy this dress for me here.

4. I continuously crave pizza.
More specifically one kind of pizza... from one specific place.
Terry's Pizza in Middlebury.
For reals. I'm about ready to ditch the BBQ chicken I'm making right now and order a pizza.
Unfortunately I made a deal with B.
No pizza or taco bell for 40 days (aka Lent).
Lucky for me, this ends Sunday!! Woop Woop!!
Pizza for dinner on Monday?! Yes, please!!

5. I desperately want to play this game.

6. I want to do a morning workout every day.
However, there's this little thing called sleep that wins out every stinkin day.

7. I broke the law.
((For those who aren't from around here, there were Elks placed throughout our county and they were later auctioned off as a fundraiser.  However, it was illegal to climb on them.))
So I did it anyway.
I also gave him a kiss.
But shhhh... don't tell.
Disclaimer: This may or may not have taken place on a "Papa Smurf night."

8. I have a love/hate relationship with asparagus.
I love the taste and the health benefits.
Hate the texture.

9. I honestly believe I was supposed to be born in Italy.
I have this obsession with Italian food.
Mainly pasta and pizza.
My dream vacation?
Italy. Pasta. Pizza. Wine.

10. I love this picture.
And I want to recreate it and hang it in our house.
Found on pinterest.

That pizza?
Yea I can still taste it.
I want it that bad.
O. M. G.
((Just kidding... I kinda want my spring break to last forever.))

So go eat a pizza for me and have a happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

whoa. it's wednesday.

Whoa nelly.
It's already Wednesday??
Time to slow this spring break train down.
Way down.
I'm not ready to go back to work yet.
((insert pouty face))

Thought I'd just play a little catch up today.
Ya know... A little miscellany Wednesday.

1. B has the cutest puppy ever.
Ok he's not technically a puppy anymore.
But still...
Just look at this unbelievably adorable face.
Yup. And I get to snuggle this cute face every stinkin day.

2. I got my birthday present from my aunt Lorraine.
And I pretty much love it.
Yes, I realize the "L" is backwards in the picture.
Chill out.
It's not backwards in real life.

3. This is what my spring break has consisted of.
((It's also consisted of a lot of cleaning, gym time, and tv watching))
Laying on the couch snugglin with my 2 boys.
((The 3rd boy (B) was out golfing at this moment)).
(Oh and the 2nd boy? We have Dexter this week while my mom is house/dog sitting for someone else)
They've been snugglin machines.

4. I finally saw the Hunger Games!!
And yes. I loved it.
I went to a matinee Monday afternoon.
Can you say cheap?
Even better.
I already can't wait for it to come out on DVD.
And I already can't wait for the next movie to come out.
For those of you who have read the book and/or seen the movie,
what are your thoughts?
I'm thinking my thoughts may be a whole other post.
Cause I don't even know where to begin!!

So there's what I've been up to lately.
Uber exciting... I know.
Be jealous.

Happy Wednesday beauties!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

it's a tasty tuesday

Tasty Tuesday anyone?

Well I'm gonna share a delicious recipe with all of you.

I found it at

Now I've given you the link to the original recipe, but I changed some things up so...
this is what I did.

First: preheat oven to 425.

Here's what ya need:
Olive oil
Olive oil spray
Italian flavored bread crumbs
Chicken breasts
Parmesan cheese (I used shredded because thats what we had in the house)

Cut up the chicken into bite sized pieces.
Put 2 tbsp. olive oil in a bowl.
Put 6-8 tbsp of bread crump and 2 tbsp of the cheese in a bowl.
((I used 8 tbsp bread crumbs because I cut up 3 chicken breasts instead of 2))

Season with salt and pepper.
((I didn't have pepper. We're out. So I used Famous Dave's Seasoning.
Cover the chicken with the olive oil.

Spray the pan with olive oil spray before adding the chicken.
((I added a little more parmesan cheese on top))
Then cover with another thin layer of olive oil spray on top.

Cook for 10 minutes.
Cook for 5 more minutes.

And Wa-La!!

They look delicious right?!?!


**I also made some later in the evening for the boyfriend and he added some hotter spices to give it a little "zing" and he loved them!! Feel free to play around with the spices!!

Today I'm linking up with The New Modern Momma!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

when you wish upon a star

It's only Monday and I already don't want this break to end.
Pretty sure spring break as an adult is 10x better than spring break as a child/teenager.
No joke.

So.. I had every intention of writing this post Friday when I got home from work.
And then I was completely exhausted from the week.
 So I was going to write it Saturday.
And then I woke up early to clean then was completely exhausted the rest of the day.
So I was going to write it Sunday.
And then I took one last lazy day.
So here it is Monday, and I'm finally writing this post.

Now let me preface by explaining that last week my preschool classes were learning the letter "W".
What starts with "W"?
So I made a wish jar during the week and on Friday we wrote down our wishes to place in our wish jar.

Got the idea for the jar here:

Now obviously mine is not near as pretty because I didn't have a hot glue gun.
But that's besides the point.

Back to the point of this post...
I wanted to share some of my preschoolers wishes with you.

((Warning: some of these are tear jerkers))

"I wish I had a new house."
"I wish I could go to Florida with my friends."
"I wish everything in my house was pink."
"I wish I was a princess."
"I wish I was a monkey."
"I wish I could go to South America."
"I wish I had more Barbie's."
"I wish my Grandpa could come back alive."
"I wish I had a billion sisters."
"I wish I could see my mommy."
"I wish I could play basketball."
"I wish I could play Plants vs. Zombies all the time."
"I wish I could play basketball."
"I wish that my daddy would come back home."
"I wish I could play baseball in minors."
"I wish I was handsome."
"I wish I had a pink car that goes slow with GPS that turns into a radio."
"I wish I could go to the waterpark."
"I wish I went to princess land."
"I wish I could fly a rocketship."
"I wish I was a mermaid."
"I wish I had a phone and could play games on it."
"I wish I could read a book."
"I wish I could surf on my own surf board."
"I wish I went to Hawaii to discover fish."
"I wish I had a Belle costume with gloves, high heels, a crown, and earrings."
"I wish my sister had a princess bike."
"I wish I could go to Minnesota."
"I wish I could drive."
"I wish I was a fish."
"I wish I had a Hotwheels car with a door that goes up and I could drive it."
"I wish I had a unicorn with rainbow hair, a horn, and wings."
"I wish I could do a flip on my 4-wheeler."
"I wish that my sister had a horse."
"I wish I could have a fire surf board."
"I wish I could have my birthday a million times."
"I wish I had a real unicorn."

What are some of your wishes??