So where have I been lately?
Well let me tell you...
I've been one of 3 places:
1. Work
2. Gym
3. At home fighting to stay awake.
It's pretty sad that my life has come to this again.
Every year.
It happens every. flipping. year.
Spring time comes... the amazing weather comes...
and I'm too exhausted to go out and enjoy it.
I'm moving forward.
Spring Break is NEXT WEEK!!
Hello sleep!!
Yes, that means 5 more days of work and then a whole week off!!!
So today you get a little miscellany to catch up on my life/hear randomness.
1. Tomorrow is my birthday!!!
Woop woop!!
Feel free to wish me a happy birthday.
It's ok.
We get to go out with B's parents/bro/SIL/niece/nephew tonight for Dawn and my birthdays!!
Now I'm still trying to convince B to take me to see Hunger Games for my birthday.
Which brings me to....
2. Hunger Games anyone?!?!
I'm honestly shocked and amazed that I still have not seen this movie because I'm completely in love with the books and I have been waiting for this weekend ever since I finished reading the books.
B really doesn't want to see the movie.
Most of my friends don't have an interest in seeing the movie.
((Another shocker...))
My cousins went to the midnight showing ((which I am now officially too old to attend)).
My sister wife (long story) lives too far away to go with me.
So that leaves me, myself, and I.
I think we should begin a petition for B to take me.
It's the least he can do right?
So go ahead and leave a comment convincing him he needs to take me.
3. I have a sister wife.
Her name is Virginia Jenny.
And I've never met her.
But we chat regularly.
And make B jealous.
She's pretty amazing.
And we're planning our future meeting.
Oh you wanna know how I "met" her?
She was B's friend first.
But I stole her.
She's mine.
All mine.
And our meeting with be epic.
Got that?
4. How delicious does this look?!?!
I'm determined to make it.
You can find the recipe here:
Now to convince B that this DOES fit into my diet....
5. My kids.
I need to create "funny fridays" or something slightly more creative.
Something that I can post all of the absurd things my kids say throughout the week.
It's ridiculous.
This week?
Within a 10 minute timespan my kids sang:
Party Rock Anthem
I'm Sexy and I Know It
Super Bass
California Girls
Feliz Navidad.
Yes, they ended with Feliz Navidad.
Then they immediately followed up with this conversation:
Student 1: Where is that song from?
Student 2: China! Because it's in Spanish.
Student 3 (who's family is from Mexico): No, it's from Mexico!!
Student 4: No, it's from Dora!!
I can't make this stuff up.
6. After discussing the Pilgrims and the Mayflower I asked my kids
"What was the name of the boat?"
Student 3: "Cauliflower!!!"
7. Like I said... I can't make this stuff up.
8. Now I'm off to find chocolate chips.
I want that cookie in a cup.
Peace out bitties.
P.S. Happy Monday.
Today I'm linking up with:
Tell Brian I said he better take you. Or he will have to deal with me!!!!