Raise your hand if you're addicted to Pinterest!!
Hand raised right here.
I pretty much spend 75% of my weekend searching through Pinterest.
So much so that I officially have 2726 pins.
That number sounds ridic right?
Sad part is, I've tried to go through and "clean out" my boards.
Not possible.
I still love everything that I have pinned and I just can't seem to part with them.
So I thought I'd share some of my absolute favs.
One from each of my 21 (yes, 21) boards.
Ok scratch that... 20 boards. My workout board is defective?? It won't let me look at my pins at all.
Not cool Pinterest, not cool.
Ahh... someday I will have these items in my closet...
Yup. Starbucks and all.
Someday I will have a patio like this....
For reals. I WILL take pictures like this someday.
Holy beautifulness.
Foil pack Chicken and Broccoli.
Boyfriend and I are planning a trip down to Lousiville for Thunder Over Lousiville in April.
I'm thinking this would be a great opportunity to start a project like this!!
What are some of YOUR favorite pins??
Made the foil packet chicken. AMAZING!!!!!