Wednesday, February 29, 2012

work it... work it...

Hello lovers.
Hope you're doing fantastically well.

So I've gotten a little a lot off track lately with my workouts and eating choices.
It's been horrible.
I hit the 40 lb loss mark and then it all slacked.
Then the eating went downhill.
And the workouts slacked a little.
As of Tuesday I'm down another 2 lbs.
That's it.
Ridiculous, I know.

But this week I've really been trying to get back on track.
Still struggling with the eating habits.
((What do you do when you get sick of eating the healthy stuff and only the fattening, unhealthy stuff sounds good??))
But let me tell you...
I'm KILLING IT with the workouts.

I'm kinda sorta doing a 40 day journey thing with my Aunt Rose.
(aka she sends me the workouts and I do them when I can fit them in)
It's 3 workouts a week along with some homework.
Our homework for this week?
Do 600 squats by Sunday morning.
I said 600 squats.
You should have heard my jaw drop when I read that for myself.
I had to pick it up off the ground.

But I'm determined to do it all...
So let me give you a little snipet of what my week has been/will be.

Sunday - did a killer 50 minutes of cardio with my homegirl Tanya on the elliptical (659.4 calories burned) then hit the weights for over an hour focusing on back and shoulders.
Here's what we did (I don't remember the weights for each thing... oops):
Front Lat Pulldown - 4 sets of 10 reps
Side Lateral Raises - 4 sets of 10 reps
Seated Rows - 4 sets of 12 reps
Seated Dumbbell Press - 4 sets of 10 reps
One Arm Dumb Row - 4 sets of 12 reps
Back Hyperextension - 4 sets of 12 reps
Wide Grip Upright Row - 4 sets of 12 reps
((I'm starting to see my shoulders and individual muscles in my back y'all!!!))

Monday - killer cardio with Tanya.
We were on for a little over an hour and I burned about 850 calories.
(My elliptical reset after 12-15 minutes so I'm guess-timating here...)
I also started my "homework" for the week.
I got 160 squats done. (8 sets of 20)
Then after dinner I hit the floor and I did this workout:
4x through.

Tuesday - surprisingly I wasn't horribly sore when I woke up!!
However, that quickly changed after I did 40 squats while the kids were at morning recess.
Then I did another 40 squats with my afternoon class after their recess.
Yes, I made my preschoolers do 40 squats with me.
Bringing my grand total to 240 for the week.
They actually love it and were a little disappointed that we only did squats.
Then at home I did workout #1 for the week.
A tabata workout.
((First ever.  And H. O. L. Y. crap.))
Squats (yes, more squats), sit-ups, push-ups, and lunges.
((These squats don't count towards my weekly total... they're just bonus!! Yay!! :/))
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.
Do as many reps as you can in 20 seconds then you get 10 seconds to rest/get ready for the next task.
Do 4 rounds. (16 minutes total)
Yea.. I thought "Pshhh, this will be a breeze." HA.
Boy was I wrong.
I am officially sore, can't move, and proven wrong.

Wednesday - Tanya and I will be going around with Dom (the personal trainer at the gym) to get started on a strength program. That way we'll be on the same program and can do the workouts together.
Then it will be an easy day on the elliptical.
Gotta give my poor legs a chance to recover a bit.
I will definitely keep the resistance down and probably keep the pace a little shower than normal.
But I will be doing at least an hour.
Also hoping to get in at least 60 squats to put me at 300... at least.
I also want to try to do the Inner Thigh Workout again.
(Depending how sore I am I may save this for Thursday)

Thursday - will be workout #2.
4-5 rounds of running 400m (quarter mile) followed by 15 burpees.
Can I just say that I. Hate. Burpees?
But I'm gonna get 'er done and I will KILL it.
Also... at least 100 squats.

Friday - haven't completely decided yet.
Definitely more cardio. Probably elliptical.
At least an hour.
And again, at least 100 squats.
And again, the Inner Thigh Workout.

Saturday - will be workout #3.
4 rounds of:
5 deadlifts (with weight)
10 negative push-ups
15 dips
Doesn't seem too bad right? Somehow I have a feeling this will knock me on my a**.
Also, depending on how I feel I may add some cardio in.
And... last but not least... at least 100 squats.
Today is the day I have to finish my 600 squats so I will either be doing a lot, or a few.
But I WILL get it done.


Umm.. pretty sure when I type it all out like this, it looks like a ridiculous amount.
I may be crazy.

But I'm determined to get the body I've always wanted.

I also welcome any competitors and/or workout buddies.

So bring it.

((Happy Wednesday Sugarpants!!!))

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

what you know about me?

I thought it's time for something new.
So today I'm linking up with Allyce over at Chalk in the Rain!!

Hop on over there and say "what's up!!"
She's pretty awesome.

I've decided to do this as
What You Didn't Know: Health.
So here are 4 things you probably didn't know about me and my health.
Hope you enjoy!!

1. I officially love running and all things cardio.
When I started this journey I literally had a hard time running for a minute at a time.
It was completely ridiculous.
I wanted to be a runner but obviously I was completely out of shape.
But now here I am today ready to run a 5k no problem!!
I'm still not a runner like I want to be...
I want to eventually run 10ks and a half marathon...
but I've come a long way and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon!!

This one made me giggle...
((Check out my pinterest page for more fitness inspiration))

I feel so much better after getting some cardio in every day!!

2. I've become so much more adventurous with what foods I eat.
I NEVER would have EVER tried zucchini or squash.
I NEVER would have voluntarily eaten fish.
I NEVER would have tried a new recipe.
I have always been a very picky eater.
Always loved most "staple" vegetable, but refused to try the other "icky" stuff.
((Maybe that's why I got as big as I did))
But now I LOVE squash and zucchini!!!
I browse through pinterest and see all these delicious recipes that I want to try.
I actually WANT to try sushi...
I'm still scared... but I want to try it!!

3. I dream about having that gap between my legs.
You know... the "inner thigh gap".
I've never had it...
not even when I was skinny.
Which makes me feel like maybe my body just isn't made to ever have that.
But I want it.
And I'm ready to kill my thighs to build up muscle, burn fat, and get closer to having that gap.
I've always had "thunder thighs" but I refuse to let that define me and stop me from reaching my goal.
I try to do this workout a couple times a week.
Holy crap-ola does it work your inner thighs too!!

4. I have huge calves.
It sucks.
They went down about an inch while I was doing Insanity last summer.
But nothing since then.
Most frustrating part?
I can't wear boots.
I have one pair of boots, but they aren't very tall.  They stop before my calf.
My dream?
To wear some boots like these:
And an outfit like this:
So if you have any tips to help me get those boots.. please share!!
I feel like I've been cursed between my "thunder thighs" and huge calves!!


So now you know me a little bit better.
Hope you still like me...

Now jump on over to Chalk in the Rain and give Allyce a shout out.
Maybe spend a little time getting to know her as well.
You won't regret it!!

Happy Tuesday y'alls!!

Monday, February 27, 2012

my favorite things: etsy style

I'm sitting here with my boys on either side of me with NASCAR on tv so I figured it'd be the perfect time for...
(ok I'm not complaining about the NASCAR... I don't mind it. But it gets kinda boring between the wrecks...)

Another episode of
My Favorite Things:
Etsy Style
(Aka more awesome gift ideas for yours truly)

Etsy is another one of those amazingly addicting websites.
I love love LOVE browsing through all their goodies and wishing that I was rich so that I could purchase one of everything.
So I'm here to share some of my favorite things that I've found lately.


Numero Uno.
Check out Bip and Bop. Pronto.
Thanks to The Hollie Rogue (another awesome Etsy shop) posting an item on facebook, I am now officially in love with this shop.
Now let me preface by explaining my new obsession with The Hunger Games.
Holy amazingness.
I've been told I need to read this series numerous times so I finally did.
And let me tell you... I'm so glad I did!!
((All thanks to my cousin Anna!!))
So now that you're aware that I'm in LOVE with Katniss and Peeta (and wish they would just get together already...(I'm in the middle of the second book))
You can understand why I would fall in love with this:
Go check it out here!!

Go check out Sawdust N Stitches.
My MIL got me a birthday present from these peeps last year and I love it!!
They do signs for every room (and some fun movie ones as well)!!

Just found Kenton Beadworks and I'm pretty much in love with these 2 necklaces:
Both so simple, but yet I heart them both.

Penny Mae Designs?? Yup. Love her stuff too.
Want it.
((And isn't she gorgeous herself??))

And my last thing:
How amazingly awesome is this from The Decal Lab?!?!
((Yes I'm obsessed with Harry Potter too.))
((And yes I'm a nerd sometimes.))
Deal with it.

Let's face it.
I could surf shops and drool over Etsy for hours.
Upon hours.
Upon hours.
(ok you get the picture)

So hop on over to Etsy and browse for yourself.
You won't regret it.

Happy Monday!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

awkward and awesome thursday

It's been forever since I've done an Awkward and Awesome post!!
So I figured it was time...


-trying to explain (to a man) how you feel perfectly comfortable climbing on furniture to reach the ceiling, but feel extremely unsafe on a step step-stool.
Yes. I feel like I'm about to take a plunge to my death when I stand on a step stool or ladder.
I'm talkin mad fear here folks.

-my boyfriend asking me through the bathroom door if I'm pooping.
This seriously happens. On a regular basis.
But I love him dearly.
(and will probably happen more often now that I expressed how awkward it is...)

One of my afternoon students (whom I hadn't seen yet that morning) came up to me and gives me a hug.
Not so awkward right?
As she's hugging me she looks up at me and says:
"I'm a fan of Adele."
Then she walks away.
That's it.
Umm... awesome?

-picking out paint colors with the boyfriend.
We apparently don't have the same taste when it comes to paint colors.
This adds a whole new element to our painting decisions.
But I still love him. :)

-being informed by a 4 year old student that she's sexy... and she knows it.
Yes, one of my students was told no about something (I don't even remember what) and this upset her. So her response? Looking me straight in the eye, and with a head shake, informs me "I'm sexy and I know it." As if that gives her permission to do whatever she wants.
Try not laughing out loud at that.
Pretty sure it was difficult.

-That same 4 year old student informing me about tosh.O
Apparently she watches the show and "it's really funny."

I got a precious babe bein born in a few months.
(Def not mine. Don't freak out peeps.)
And I can't wait to snuggle little Mr. Liam Matthew Drake!!
And now I will be having 2 more little babes born this fall!!
I'm buildin up my snuggle muscles.
I'm a be a snugglin machine.

-watching football with the boyfriend.
It's one of my favorite things to do.
Too bad football season is over already.
Who's got a countdown going?

-all the quotes I hear from my students on a daily basis.
Me: "We're going to talk about night and day."
Student: "Like Twilight like my mom and dad watch!!"
Yes... like Twilight??

-all the songs I hear from my students on a daily basis.
Thank You for Party Rockin'
Party Rock Anthem
Moves Like Jagger
Tik Tok
I'm Sexy and I Know It
and the list goes on and on....

Happy Awkward and Awesomeness Everyone!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

how i spend my weekends. pinterest style.

Raise your hand if you're addicted to Pinterest!!
Hand raised right here.
I pretty much spend 75% of my weekend searching through Pinterest.
So much so that I officially have 2726 pins.
That number sounds ridic right?
Sad part is, I've tried to go through and "clean out" my boards.
Not possible.
I still love everything that I have pinned and I just can't seem to part with them.

So I thought I'd share some of my absolute favs.
One from each of my 21 (yes, 21) boards.
Ok scratch that... 20 boards. My workout board is defective?? It won't let me look at my pins at all.
Not cool Pinterest, not cool.

Ahh... someday I will have these items in my closet...
Yup. Starbucks and all.

Someday I will have a patio like this....

For reals. I WILL take pictures like this someday.
Holy beautifulness.

Foil pack Chicken and Broccoli.

Boyfriend and I are planning a trip down to Lousiville for Thunder Over Lousiville in April.
I'm thinking this would be a great opportunity to start a project like this!!

What are some of YOUR favorite pins??


Friday, February 17, 2012

39 and counting...

That's right.
39 days till my birthday.
Woop woop!!

March 27.
Go ahead.
Mark it on your calendars.
I'll wait....

Ok, now that you got that all important day marked down, let's get down to business.
Because I know you're all wondering what to get me for my big day...
{wink wink}

Today marks my first edition of:
My Favorite Things
(aka Things I Would Like to Own in the Future...)
(aka Great Gift Ideas for Stephanie)

So without further ado...

1. TOMS.
Plain and simple.
I'm just not sure which ones I want more..
I just can't decide!!  They're all pretty amazing and wonderful and must haves!!
I'm also a fan of the plain black classics.
So if you feel lead to possibly purchase a pair of these beauties for me, I will take a size 8.
Please and thank you. :)

2. Harry Potter
Yes, the boyfriend will give me crap for this one.
But I love me some Harry Potter and I've been good and haven't bought any of the DVD's over the years.
I've been waiting so I can purchase the boxed set with all the movies.
So feel free and go here and check it out.
My next step?
Soar on down to Orlando and visit Hogwarts for myself.
It's on the bucketlist.

More specifically... NIKEiD.
Design your own sneaks?
Yes, please!!
Not only do I love sneakers, but I love Nike, and I love being able to customize them.
Only downfall?
The sneaks I just spent a half hour creating are $160.
Whoa buddy.
Maybe when I win the lottery?

4. Ink.
Yes, I intend to get more ink done.
Just can't decide if I want it as my birthday present or as a reward for when I hit my 50 lb weight loss.
I know what I'm getting and where I'm getting it.
It's just a matter of paying for it.
((Courtesy of pinterest.))
Yes, I've changed it slightly.
I originally wanted it on my wrist, and I still do...
But I've thought about all that would include (work situations, etc.) and I figured this would be a better location and I still LOVE it!!
Now as for what I'm getting.
On my right arm, the word strong.
On my left arm, the word beautiful.
In white ink.
Now the only thing I haven't worked out for sure is the font, but I imagine it similar to the picture above.

5. The world's smallest chameleon.
Check this big guy out:
I would totally name him Butch.
I can tell he's a vicious little guy.
And just so stinkin cute!!

6. So... I want this necklace.  Badly.
With the "L" and everything.
Cause I will always be a Lehman at heart and I am who I am because of where I came from.
But instead of ordering it from this etsy shop,
I'd prefer that this super awesome lady at Purple Butterflies Jewelry makes it.
Cause she just happens to be super amazing at making fine jewelry...
and she just happens to be my lovely aunt.
And I love her dearly.
So head on over to her facebook page and check out all that she has for sale.
She also does custom work.
For reals... go check her out.
And "like" her page in the process.
Right meow.

So now that you have a great start on gift ideas for me must haves,
what are some of your favorite things??
Please share with me!!

Peace out girl (and boy) scouts!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

what you gonna do about it?

Time to talk motivation.

So take a time out, go change into your workout clothes, then come right back.
Go on....

Now that you're all ready to go you can go get your workout on as soon as you're done here.
No excuses.
Cause you's about to get motivated y'all.

First things first.
What are you actually doing to workout?

Now I realize not everyone has access to a gym.
I wouldn't even have access to a gym if it wasn't for the boyfriend.
((I'm so very thankful for everything he's done for me so far. He's truly amazing!))

So get creative.
-Run on the treadmill if you have one.
If you don't have one, find someone who does and ask if you could use it occasionally.
-Get some free weights from Wal-Mart or Target to use at home.
-Invest in some workout videos.
((I recommend P90X [for strength], Insanity, and TurboFire))
-Go for walks/runs outside.
((Indiana has had a unseasonably warm winter so there's no excuse there))
-Check out Pinterest for some at-home workout ideas.

Here are just a few samples of what I've found on Pinterest so far:
 ((Amanda and I have a tentative date to do this one together sometime in the near future!!))
 ((I'm actually following this one this month!!))
((Weekend challenge: Lunges! Do 3 sets of 10 before every meal on Saturday and Sunday!!))
 ((Get up just a little bit earlier!!))
((Have some fun!!))

There are sooooo many workouts online.
Take the time to find them!!
The possibilities are endless!!

Find your motivation.

What makes you want to kick some @&% and be your absolute best self?!?!

Here are some pictures that help keep me motivated:

Here are also 2 blogs of weight-loss journeys that are truly inspiring:

Jen's Journey
I mean look at these results:
Holy Moley!!
She's pretty amazing.

Undressed Skeleton
This girl is absolutely gorgeous.
And she loves to cook.
So check out her recipes!!

Now don't get me wrong.
I've been trying to find my motivation for years.
After the divorce I started finding myself AND my motivation.
But never enough to actually start the diet and exercise and stick to it.

Last spring/summer I lost 10 lbs when I started working out.
Did I keep it up??
Sadly, no.
I stopped working out completely.

Luckily I kept that 10 lbs off.
I even managed to slowly lose another 5 lbs between August and November.

November comes and I meet Brian.
Before we even started dating he was getting me motivated.
I started doing Insanity again.
We started making dinner together every night which in turn made me start watching what I was eating.
He got me motivated to get started again.

Now here I am almost 3 months in, and down 25 lbs since November.
I'm down 40 lbs total (ok technically 38 lbs but I'm pushing for those last 2 lbs!!).
I work out daily (pretty much).
I'm more aware of the food I'm putting in my body.
And I finally feel like I'm starting to learn what I need to so I can keep going.

Does that mean I'm a pro?
Absolutely not.
Brian's been gone most of the last month on trips and while he's gone, it's been especially hard to stick to the eating guidelines.

I'm still learning and growing.
And there are still days when I completely lose the motivation to keep going.
But I know I can go to Brian and he'll push me to go to the gym again.
He'll even help me make dinner to keep my nutrition on focus.

Which brings me to one of my kinda sorta points.
((Which I actually don't know how I got here... but it's important))
Find someone to hold you accountable and who will push you to be your best self.
Find someone who you can tell "I'm over this!! I just want to curl up and take a nap instead of working out!!" and that someone will step up and push you to take that next step.
They can help you come up with recipe or food ideas.
They can workout with you.
They can remind you of whatever reward you come up with.
Just find that someone who truly makes you want to be your best self!!

Now aren't you ready to get out there and get that sweat rollin'?!?!

Chop, Chop, Lollipop!!

All pictures from here.