Tuesday, January 31, 2012

this is how i roll

Hey sweetcheeks.
That's you.

I actually got a huge response about my last post so I thought I'd expand on my weight loss journey a little more.
(This is not going to become a strictly weight loss/fitness blog... promise.
However, it's a big part of my life now so it will make it's appearance occasionally.)
However, I could go on and on about this so this will be a little mini-series for now.

I'm human. I'm not a personal trainer. I'm not a nutritionist.
I mess up. And I don't always make the wisest choices.
This is just my story.

The main question I've been getting:
What are you doing to lose the weight?

Well my dearies...
it's this little thing called diet and exercise.

Here are a few of the guidelines I've made for myself:
1. No pop.
2. No alcohol. Unfortunately this means no wine as well.
3. Exercise daily whether you want to or not.
4. No sweets.
5. Count your calories!!

Now, I'm no angel.
Have I followed my own guidelines and never slipped?
Absolutely not.
That's why they're called GUIDELINES... not rules.

1. I've cheated and had pop a few times.
The boyfriend was gone for 3 weeks (super sad time...) and while he was gone I slipped up quite a bit.
He's my main source of focus and motivation right now and without him here to hold me accountable it was easy to slip.
So guideline #6: Have someone to hold you accountable!!

2. I've actually done really well with no alcohol.
I had half a glass of wine on New Years (cause you have to have something to toast with...)
and I had a glass and a half of margaritas when I went out with my "sister" Nicole.
That's it.
Holy crap on a cracker.
I went from an avid wine drinker
(a glass or two most nights of the week)
to almost nothing.
And this has been since November folks.
That's 2.5 months of (almost) no alcohol already.

3. Exercise daily? I definitely try to.
But there are days when:
a. you're sick
b. you're so sore for yesterday you can't move and need a recovery day
c. you have back to back plans and you literally don't have time.
Notice I didn't put "don't have motivation" on that list of excuses.
I'll admit I've had a day or 2 or 3 where I was completely unmotivated and didn't go. But I always regret it within the hour.
If you make yourself go exercise, even when you really don't want to, it makes it that much easier the next day.
And chances are, once you start, you'll realize you make the right choice and feel amazing!!

4. No sweets. HA!! Ladies, you're aware of this things called PMS? Hello, chocolate!!
Yes, I've eaten my fair share of chocolate through this ordeal.
However, the key is to control how much you eat.
Do I sit and eat a whole bag of M&M's or chocolate covered pretzels?
Absolutely not.
I'd like to...
But I don't.
I try stick with 1 piece of chocolate... whatever it is.
Enough to fulfill the craving.

5. Do I always count my calories? Umm that's a big fat negative.
I try to keep a rough estimate of where I am in my head throughout the day.
But I definitely don't keep a running total.
That's just not how I function.
However, I definitely think it's a good idea to keep track of your calories...
even if that means you have to count every single calorie.

Now for what I personally do for myself.
I aim for between 1200-1500 calories a day.
I spend at least an hour at the gym every day.  Sometimes more.
That's it.
Is it easy? Most days.
Some days you just want to scream and say "&#^@ you!!"
But it's totally worth it.

Sounds totally reasonable right?!
Because IT IS.
How bad do you want it?
Now get up and change your life!!

Pictures all from here.

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