I thought I'd share a little bit more about weight loss journey.
This has suddenly become a huge part of my life and I have no intention of stopping any time soon.
I'm not quite ready to share my starting numbers.
But I will share that I have lost a total of 35 lbs so far!!
I have 45 more lbs to go before I hit my first goal.
Ok I lied...
That's where I'd like to be before summer.. aka swim suit season.
My FIRST goal: lose a total of 60 lbs. (that's only 25 more from where I am now!!)
That will put my BMI inside the "overweight" range.
I will no longer be considered obese!!!
I hope to be here by my birthday - March 27, 2012
That's about 3 lbs per week that I need to lose.
I've been doing 3-4 lbs per week and occasionally hitting 5 lbs per week so I think this is within reason.
My second goal: lose a total of 90 lbs.
That will put my BMI inside the "healthy" range!!!
Goal time: July 4, 2012
That's 2 lbs per week after my birthday.
Totally do-able.
By the time I'm done I want to be down a full 100 lbs!!
That will put me at my ultimate goal weight.
I promise I will share my starting weight at some point... just give me time.
Now I'll put it into perspective for ya...
This is me at my heaviest:
((with my 2 very beautiful friends Hannah and Lisa at Cedar Point))
August 2010
And now...
I weight LESS than I did here:
((at my absolutely beautiful friend Jamie's wedding... miss her like crazy))
May 2008
Can you see any difference?!?!
Even if you cant, pretend that you can.
It'll make me feel better.
Here's a current picture of me:
((yes I realize it's only my face... but I feel like my face looks good in this picture!!))
((with cute little chubby cheeks Hannah!!))
And here's some of my goals of where I want to be when I'm done:
I WILL get there.
((Pictures found here.))
I feel a huge difference in my confidence level.
I realize that I'm not near where I want to be yet.
I realize that I'm no supermodel.
But I feel sexier.
I feel like I can take on the world.
So world??
Bring it.
so awesome, Stephanie!! i think it's great that you've set goals with deadlines. thanks for the motivation!