My heart is full.
Overflowing full.
Like... I need a bigger cup. FULL.
Did you remember to go barefoot today?!?! I did. I was so excited for today and going barefoot all day that the first thing I wanted to do was go outside and take a picture of my adorable bare feet. So I head into the kitchen to grab my shoes..... thats right folks. I was so excited to go barefoot and tell everyone about all those people in our world who HAVE to go barefoot.... and my first thought was to grab shoes because it was cold outside!! This is the epitome of our problem! We take shoes for granted!! They have just become something that we wear. We don't think about how much they help us and protect us. That first thought was def enough to make me think for the rest of the day.
I headed into work for a couple conferences and to get my lesson plans done for next week. I even had the opportunity to tell my kids about why I was barefoot and how there are so many other people around the world who don't have any shoes. They even took off their shoes and socks and we took a picture of our bare feet together. That was just the beginning of my heart overflowing!!
Then I came home, got online, and (thanks to Erin over at Living in Yellow) got introduced to Ashley with The Shine Project. She's awesome. Just. Plain. Amazing. Do yourself a huge favor and check out her blog: The Shine Project. You won't regret it. She has an extraordinary and humbling passion to CHANGE THE WORLD. She. is. remarkable.
Every week she challenges her readers with a new way to make a difference in somebody else's life, how to become a better you, and how to SHINE desperately needed light into this world. Like I said... she's a remarkable woman.
On top of challenging her readers, she also makes these fabulous necklaces to provide a reminder to LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!!
I'm in love with them. ((And sorta extrememly jealous that I'm not that creative.)) And Erin (over at Living in Yellow) is giving one away!! Head on over there and enter to win!
I am simply amazed at how full my heart is. I'm looking forward to cleaning out my closet this weekend to donate shoes to Soles 4 Souls. I am reminded on a daily basis how amazing my friends and family are. I was able to participate in an amazing event to remind people that there arethousands millions of people who go without shoes daily. And it's so refreshing to read about one more person who is ready to CHANGE THE WORLD!

I am simply amazed at how full my heart is. I'm looking forward to cleaning out my closet this weekend to donate shoes to Soles 4 Souls. I am reminded on a daily basis how amazing my friends and family are. I was able to participate in an amazing event to remind people that there are
Sounds like you definitely had an over the top heart warming day...I admire you for what you did today. Awesome :)