Thursday, April 28, 2011

awkward and awesome thursday

Sorry folks, but I will not be participating in the awkward and awesomeness of today.
In fact, there is a possibility that this will begin becoming more and more infrequent.  No worries, I still intend to participate occasionally with lots of good stories for you.
However, I highly recommend jumping over to see Erin at LIY for lots of awkward and awesomeness.
She literally had me LOLing today with her vacation awkwardness!!

So instead, I'm presenting you with another episode of "Yours Truly."
aka "My Top 5 Favorite Things" 

1. Favorite flower: Gerber Daisies.
Specifically an orange-ish red.  Or bright pink.  Or any other unique colors.
Gerber Daisies > Roses.

2. Favorite wine: Oliver Sangria Classic.
De. Lish.
I highly recommend it.
3. Favorite body wash: Boots Amazon Forest Body Wash - Brazil Nut Vanilla.
Amazing stuff.  You can find it at Target.
It smells so good you could just about eat it.
(But I don't recommend doing THAT.)

4. Favorite recipe: Spicy Chicken Tacos.
De. Lish.
Unfortunately for you, there is no recipe for these tasty things.
All I can tell you is that it involves shredded chicken, seasoning salt... and some other yummy spices.
It's the Hage recipe which = no exact recipe.
I'm still trying to master the recipe myself... without much luck.

5. Favorite pie: Custard Pie.
More specifically: my gma's custard pie.
Ah-mazing stuff.
Family gatherings: 1 pie for me, 1 pie for Melissa, 1 pie for Kim, and 1 pie for everyone else.
Yes. It's THAT good.
Mine didn't even compare.
(Disclaimer: my gma's pie looks more delicious that this picture.)

What are some of your favorites?? :)

Happy Thursday!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

yours truly

Apparently the name is stickin... hope ya'll don't mind... :)

Today: my love/hate relationship with my job

What I hate about my job:
-Waking up sooooo early... :(
-Not getting home till 6:30

....yep. That's about it!!

Now on to what I LOVE about my job:
-The 100 probably 1000s of crazy quotes I hear from my kids every week.
-The crazy amount of hugs I get throughout the day.
-Listening to my kids sing their random songs.
-And bust out their mad dancin skillz. 
-How excited all my kids get about going to Hacienda.
-Cuddle/snuggle time.
-The fact that A.S. is better at Angry Birds than I am.
-All their smiling faces.
-The fact that all of my kids can recognize and spell their names.
-How insanely brilliant my kids are. :)
-The "special prayers" that my kids love to pray every day.
-Hearing stories about how my kids are showing off their mad skillz at home.
-Hearing stories about my kids praying at home!!
-Hearing stories of my kids dispensing their knowledge to mom and dad. ;) 
-Hearing my kids practice their Bible verses.
-Sparkly shoes.
-Awesome hats.
-Hearing "Ms. Stephanie, I love you." about 100 times a day.
-Hearing the crazy stories they come up with.
-Seeing all the pictures they draw.
-Seeing all the progress they've made this year.
 -The fact that (as of today) my kids are learning to text on my phone. Ha ha!!
-My kids listening to music on my computer.
+1000s more reasons!! :)

Pretty sure I have the best job ever!! :D

Beautiful spring day :)
Jammin with my headphones :)
It's what we do.

Why do you LOVE your job?!?!

Happy Tuesday!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

weekend recap

(I'm switchin it up this Monday, so I hope I don't throw off your routine.) 

Thank goodness for long, holiday weekends!!!
It was definitely much needed.

Pretty sure I definitely slept till 12:30.  That's 12:30 p.m.  As in AFTERnoon.
It was splendid.
I then did a bunch of nothing to prep for my evening.
Again, it was splendid.
7:00 comes around... and I'm late.  ((Go figure...))
I was a half our late for my date night with Ms. Laura and Ms. Lanie. (Luckily they forgave me).
5 hours + 1 bottle of wine + lots of talking = a fantastic evening.
It was GREAT to FINALLY catch up with Laura!!

Welp... I didn't sleep as long as I intended to... but that's mmk I s'pose.
I got the house cleaned.  Finally.
The best part about my Saturday:
Date #2 with this special guy!!
((I'll keep his identity hidden for his own safety... :) for awhile at least. I'll give him a chance to decide if he likes me first :) ))
((For now, we will call him Mister.)) 
That's right.  I painted my toesies, got my hair did (by a pro myself), and got myself lookin all cute.
Mister came and picked me up, took me out to dinner, and then we went and saw a movie.
It was an excellent movie and I definitely recommend it.  I'm not a huge Robert Pattinson fan (gasp... I know... how dare I think that) but I actually liked loved him in this movie.
(And he is slighty foxy as well...) 

It was a full one.
Got to church way early (partially because Starbucks was closed :( for Easter).
 Got to spend an amazing Easter service with 6 other amazing people.  :)
((Mister was one of them!!))
We got to watch as some people chose to come into the light and follow God!!
According to Pastor Jim's bloggy, we had 98 people saved Sunday morning!!
Each person who made the decision was asked to walk up on stage, flip a switch to turn on their light, and receive a switch cover as a reminder.
(Courtesy of Pastor Jim's blog) here are some pictures from Sunday morning:
The first person who flipped a switch!!
ALL the lights after 3rd service!!
How amazing is our God?!?!

Then I continued on up to Kid City to teach those little first graders.  I heart them all.  :)
After Kid City, we briefly watched the craziness of the 25,000 28,000 Easter egg hunt before hitching a ride back to my car with Melissa.
However, on the way she talked me into twisted my arm into going to Easter lunch with her.  Ok not really... it wasn't that hard of a decision.
(My family lunch started at noon and this was around 1:30-2:00 so I had already missed it.)
So I went with Melissa (who is my cousin, just fyi...) to the Lambert Easter (who I'm NOT related to).  That's right.  I ate Easter lunch with complete strangers (minus the 5 people I actually knew).  :)
Then we filled MORE Easter eggs for a neighborhood Easter egg hunt.
And ate candy.

THEN came my favorite part of my Sunday (after church)...
after a Wal-mart stop... and gas stop.......
(I told you my Sunday was FULL). 
Mister came over and we watched The 'Burbs.
And an episode of Big Bang.
(Yes, he's hooked already).
We have a LOT in common... it's kinda scary sometimes. :)

And now here we are... on this dreary, rainy Monday.
Throw in a headache, runny nose, sore throat, cough, and chills...
That's been my Monday. :(
Now to find some ice cream to make it all better.........

Happy Monday folks! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

awkward and awesome thursday


-Meeting someone who had apparently been reading my blog BEFORE we met.  I felt like I had some expectations to live up to.  HA.  Good thing I sound the same way in person.  It may even help put some context to the way I say some things on here... at least that's my hope.  ....and good thing he's pretty awesome himself.  :)

-This conversation:
Older female co-worker: "Wow, you look good today."
Me: "Uhh... thanks."
Co-worker: "Sorry that was inappropriate for the work place."
Me thinking: Uhh... when WOULD it be appropriate to add that "wow" to a comment??
Awk. ward.

-The looooong freaking booths at Texas Roadhouse!!!  I feel like I'm scootin for 5 minutes before I finally reach my seat towards the inside!!  Oh and then every time you adjust your seating position it makes a farting noise.  Yea... I'll pass.  Good thing the food and 'ritas are delish and totally worth the awkwardness.

-Dancing while running on the treadmill.  Yes... I do this every time I run.  And yes... I almost trip and fall every. single. time.  However, I can't help myself.  I listen to such fab music and it's just so hard NOT to dance!!  Especially during "Shake Ya Bon Bon."  Don't judge.


-After singing a song with the kids I hear "Ms. Stephanie, you sound beautiful when you do that."  Aww!!  I knew I loved my job for a reason... :)

-Reason #237 of why I love my job:
A: "Eww!!  I farted!!"
Me: "A, that's gross.  We don't need to talk about that."
A: (Laughing) "I CAN SMELL IT!!!  IT STINKS!!"
She was pretty proud of herself.
There's never a dull moment at my job.  :)

-The Shine Project.  She just launched the next step in her movement and it's awesome!!  Head on over there and check it out!

-The big man upstairs.  My homie.  He has blessed me so much lately!!  I can't even begin to thank Him for everything!!
This Easter season, make sure you stop and take time to thank God for everything that He's given you.  And if you can't think of anything, take some time to REALLY think about it... cause guaranteed He's blessed you beyond what you can imagine... you just can't see it yet.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

thanks for your patience.

Well... he may think I'm one serious wack-a-doodle.
((BBT reference there for all ya'll folks))

I started the date off by being late.
Yea... I rock. :/
I felt horrible.
 Luckily I was able to text Steph and let her know so he didn't think I stood him up.
((Yes, I have a friend that shares my name... I'm not crazy...))
So that was a plus.

He was able to see just how crazy I really am.
Hopefully I didn't scare him off....... yikes.

I don't THINK I was THAT crazy....

As far as my appearance:
My hair was a bit on the frizzy side of things.
But, I didn't trip in my heels!
and I think I looked relatively sizzlin' hott...

Today however.. THAT'S a different story.
Hair up.
No make-up.
But yet I still look pretty adorable.

Alrighty homies...
Peace out.
Happy Wednesday.

P.S. - he's never seen Big Bang Theory.
Don't worry.  I'll be changing that stat.
He'll be addicted before you can say BAZINGA.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

mode: panic (at the disco)

So tonight is my date.
My (pretty much) blind date.
I'm freaking out a little bit.
I can only think of one actual date that I've been on in the past year or 2...
((not including a "day in Mishawaka")) 
So this is a new concept for me again.
Ehhh crap.

 Pretty sure I tried on at least 3 outfits last night...
...and sent pictures to Steph and Melissa to get their opinions.
And couldn't fall asleep.
And then woke up before my alarm.
((Which we all know is NOT normal)) 
And I sorta definitely freaked out trying to get my hair perfect this morning.
((and I'm still worried it's gonna get messed up))

I know I'll be ok once I get there tho...
it's the anticipation that's killing me!!

And even though I'm in freak out mode,
I'm uber excited for tonight.
From what I've heard about him so far,
he seems like a GREAT guy!
And I can't wait to get to know him more... 

However, I also get to look forward to
these delicious rolls
and this DE. LISH. strawberry raspberry margarita
((wiping drool off my face......)) 

I will let you all know how it goes...

((Oh and BTW... I was informed last night that he's been reading my bloggy.  Uh oh...)) 

Monday, April 18, 2011

yours truly

So this week I was going to tell you all about my love/hate relationship with my job.  However, I've had a heavy heart and that will have to wait till next week, or possibly later this week.  Hope your bubble didn't just burst...

Also.. I'm still working on a creative title for this little segment... so continue to bear with me.


This past week has been full of ups and downs.  Thursday I was able to have one of the best worship experiences I've had in a long time.  Saturday was a rough night with one of my friends.  Sunday morning started off with a GREAT sermon by Pastor Jim about showing grace to those around us.  But, right after church things started going downhill again.
Then this coming week I have things to look forward to: I'm going on my first "date" since the divorce  ((Calm down aunties...)).  I get to hang out with some amazing friends who I rarely get to see.  I have a 4 day week (woohoo!!).

So why is it that when you feel on top of the world, when you're living 100% for God, Satan has to step in and push his way into your life harder than ever?  Saturday night was rough for me.  Satan had to push back into my life and stir up a lot of feelings and hurt from my past.  But I stayed strong.  I prayed continuously... probably more than I have in a long time.  And I have Bekah Williams to thank for this reminder:
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that takes refuge in Him."
Psalm 34:8

 I was at a loss for words.  I didn't know what to say or think to move forward again because I was so focused on the hurt from my past.  But God is good and he answered my prayers with an amazing sermon Sunday morning.  Show grace.  All I needed to say were 3 little words and let all the rest go.  I forgive you.
Even now as I'm writing this, I now realize I need to say those 3 words to more than this one person.  I need to let go of all the hurt and look forward.  Just as Pastor Jim said:
"Grace watches life through the windshield and not the rearview mirror..."

So here's to looking through the windshield...

Friday, April 15, 2011


2 of the best worship leaders
2 hours of singing on the top of your lungs
hands raised in worship
God tugging on your heart strings
Wii Dance
sore legs from jumping and dancing
losing your voice 
1 amazing night of worship at Grace Comm. Church!

Last night I was able to attend a church-wide worship night at GCC.  Amazing.  Absolutely Amazing.

I gotta admit... at first I was hesitant to go.  No one wanted to go with me and for some reason I felt nervous about going by myself.  However, I've learned that when I feel nervous and/or hesitant to go, that's when I need to go the most.  So... I put my nerves in their place and went solo.

And I'm so glad I did.

I got there a little early because I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to deliver those 4 bags and 1 box full of shoes for Soles 4 Souls.
That alone felt wonderful.

Then I spent the next 15-20 minutes nervously looking around because I really didn't know anyone else there.  This even continued into the first few songs.  I was holding back because I was afraid of what other people might think.

Then I let it all go.  I gave it up.  I gave 100% of myself to God and I don't regret one second of it.

During those 2 hours I felt God moving in my life.  I felt convicted to change my life for Him.  Change my habits, change the way I think, change the way I do things... all for HIM.

So get ready for a new me, folks.  Things are 'bout to get real awesome around here.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?  38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:28, 31, 38-39

Thursday, April 14, 2011

(less) awkward and (more) awesome thursday

I don't know what's going on but the awkwardness just hasn't been happening lately.  I'm looking into why that is... but in light of the predicament that creates, I'm dedicating this Thursday to the pure awesomeness in my life.


-My aunt Rose's homemade scalloped potatoes and ham.  Had them last night.  They were de. lish.  I'm working on getting her recipe.  :)

-"I'm not Austin anymore.  I'm Superman.  Today's my birthday, so I'm Superman now."
Yes, one of my kids just said that.  And it's NOT his birthday.  He also brought ants on a log for snack.... because he's Superman.  He said so.  I have confidence that he'll protect me...... or run away screaming...

-Girl's night.  I had the opportunity to spend last Friday night with 6 other amazing women who I don't normally get to see and I loved LOVED it!!  We cracked open some wine and spent the evening just talking and hanging out!!  I haven't laughed that hard in a long time and we def need to start planning more nights like that!

-The many, MANY hugs and "I love you"s I hear throughout the day from my kiddos.  They make my heart melt every time and make me want to do better for them.

-Listening to my kids sound out words.  They may not spell it right, but they're making HUGE process!!  ((BTW... these are 4-year-olds that are doing this folks.  Talk about a proud teacher right here!!!!!))

-More and more awesome hats.  My kids are the coolest ever.

-Listening to my kids sing songs.  A few days ago it was Tik Tok.  The other day it was the WonderPets theme song.  Today it's Jar of Hearts.  Awesome.

What were some of your awesome moments??

Happy Thursday!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Could you answer this question with a solid answer?
I couldn't.

In my opinion there are perks to every age.

When you're a kid, you don't have a care in the world.  Everything is an adventure.  You're more willing to face your fears.  Everything is amazing and beautiful.  You have your mommies and daddies to hold you when you get hurt or you're sad.

The teenage years are rough for everyone... whether they admit or not.  You deal with peer pressure, cliques, and daily drama.  You even start having some responsibility with real life issues.  But you begin to get that taste of freedom.  You get your license and your first car.  You get to start making your own choices.  Start making plans for the rest of your life.

 Then you hit your twenties.  College life.  Love.  More new experiences.  Heartbreak.  And tremendous personal growth.  Your new beginning.

So many positives come out of every year.  Obviously I can't comment about anything past year 25... but I'm sure the new experiences, love, life, and growth continue on.  So what age would you choose to be?  3?  10?  16?  21?  25?  30?  50?  80?!

I can't be sure what age I would choose, but I'm pretty happy with being 25 right now.  I've already experienced love, heartbreak, endless experiences, and tremendous growth.  And although some of them weren't the greatest SUCKED, I wouldn't trade them for anything because they've made me the person I am today.

So what age would YOU choose?

check out these giveaways!!

Go check it out.  She's got 2 awesome giveaways going on right now!!

I'll give you a hint:
1.  One of them would be perfect for any house.
2.  The other one would be perfect for all those little angels out there.

While you're there, go check out the rest of her blog and see what she's all about.  You'll fall in love with her and what she's trying to do.

You won't regret it.


Monday, April 11, 2011

yours truly

I've decided to step it up a notch.  I created this blog as a sort of record of my new beginning - a way to share what I've discovered about myself and where I'm going.  Sometimes I feel like I'm blogging about nothing specific and other times I have a certain goal in mind.  I like both aspects of it. :) So... my solution?? Mondays are going to be ALL ABOUT ME!!  ((Tiffany sorta gave me the idea with her Fun Fact Fridays!!))

Monday will be my day to really reflect on the past week, what I've learned, where I'm going, the goals I have for my life, or I just may opt to share random facts about myself that day.

Now bear with me... I'm still trying to come up with some awesome title for this series of blogs but I'm not quite there yet.  Guess today's just not one of those creative days.  If you have any suggestions... please... let me know.  Maybe you'll win a piece of candy or something... :)

So without further ado.... this is all about me:

-We'll start with some basics.  My favorite colors are pink, green, and brown.  However, I rarely wear those colors.  1. I feel like I already own tons of pink so I usually talk myself out of buying pink and opt for a more colorful wardrobe which now includes hardly any pink at all. 2. I can rarely find a shade of green that I like on me. and 3. For some reason I just don't choose brown... I'd rather wear black.  Huh......

-I have actually been diagnosed with OCD.  Not in the extreme sense, but it's definitely there.  I feel like it's gotten a little better over the years but I def have my routines and sometimes freak out can't function unless I do things my way, in my routine.

-I LOVE to take pictures but rarely NEVER remember my camera.  Or the battery is dead.  Never fails...

-I only eat the pinks, reds, and/or strawberry flavor of just about every candy.  This includes Starbursts, Skittles, Mike and Ikes, Sour Patch Kids, Jawbreakers, Gobstoppers, Gummi Bears, Nerds, etc.  All the other colors/flavors get pushed aside and usually they eventually get thrown away.  I seriously don't eat them.  Oh... and I WILL fight you for the good ones.  Bring it.

-I can only eat half an Oreo.  Only the side with the frosting. I either pawn off the other side to my kids or just throw the pile of them away.  Let me know if you're ever interested in the non-frosting side of an Oreo.  We can share.

-I'm the awesomest person you will ever meet.  Plain. and. Simple.

Join me next week for: Why I have a love/hate relationship with my job.

P.S. Thank you for all the compliments folks. :) I love hearing your thoughts about my little bloggy and I'm glad you're enjoying it!!

Happy Monday!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

awkward and awesome thursday


-Looking for a pan or utensil in a strangers house and not being able to find anything because it's THAT messy and unorganized.  People, if you know you're going to have someone house-sit for you... please organize your cabinets... it's awkward for the house-sitter.

-Have you seen the latest Payless commercial?? The one where the guy puts a bunny costume head on at the end?  Did anyone else automatically think Donnie Darko?!?!  Creepy.
"No bunny at all.  Always no bunny at all!!"  -Chandler Bing

-Strangers son's (I'm assuming) ex-girlfriend dropping off a bag of his stuff today.  She was kind enough to leave it at the front door and not ring the doorbell... but yes, I was here, saw her pull up, and place the bag in front of the door.  Thank you ex-girlfriend for saving that awkward conversation of "oh and this was dropped off for you... looks like a sweater, some old ties, cd... oh and it looks like she left a card for you..." ((and no I was not stalking... it was a big, open bag.))

-The fact that not a lot of awkward happened this week.... maybe I'm getting embarrassed less and less or maybe it's because I never really left the house. But really... not a whole lot happened this week.. until today it seems.  Check back next week cause I'm sure there's a whole lot of awkward about to go down tomorrow when strangers come home from vaca.


-Donating the shoes off my feet this past Sunday.  It was one of the most amazing feelings I've felt in a long time and I can't wait to give more!  I can't wait to see what's in store the next 2 weeks!!

-Being able to go a whole day without shoes to raise awareness for all those people in our world who don't have shoes.  Again, it was an absolutely amazing feeling!  I highly recommend participating next year!!

-The simple fact that my heart is overflowing with love, joy, happiness, giving, and everything in between!!

-Staying up till 1:00-2:00 in the morning and sleeping till noon.  Ah. Mazing.  I haven't done this in so long and it feels wonderful to be able to do it again!!  Too bad spring break is ending soon...... :(

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

that. full.

My heart is full.
Overflowing full.
Like... I need a bigger cup. FULL.

Did you remember to go barefoot today?!?!  I did.  I was so excited for today and going barefoot all day that the first thing I wanted to do was go outside and take a picture of my adorable bare feet.  So I head into the kitchen to grab my shoes..... thats right folks.  I was so excited to go barefoot and tell everyone about all those people in our world who HAVE to go barefoot.... and my first thought was to grab shoes because it was cold outside!!  This is the epitome of our problem!  We take shoes for granted!!  They have just become something that we wear.  We don't think about how much they help us and protect us.  That first thought was def enough to make me think for the rest of the day.
I headed into work for a couple conferences and to get my lesson plans done for next week.  I even had the opportunity to tell my kids about why I was barefoot and how there are so many other people around the world who don't have any shoes.  They even took off their shoes and socks and we took a picture of our bare feet together. That was just the beginning of my heart overflowing!!
Then I came home, got online, and (thanks to Erin over at Living in Yellow) got introduced to Ashley with The Shine Project.  She's awesome.  Just. Plain. Amazing.  Do yourself a huge favor and check out her blog: The Shine Project.  You won't regret it.  She has an extraordinary and humbling passion to CHANGE THE WORLD.  She. is. remarkable.

Every week she challenges her readers with a new way to make a difference in somebody else's life, how to become a better you, and how to SHINE desperately needed light into this world.  Like I said... she's a remarkable woman.

On top of challenging her readers, she also makes these fabulous necklaces to provide a reminder to LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!!
I'm in love with them.  ((And sorta extrememly jealous that I'm not that creative.))  And Erin (over at Living in Yellow) is giving one away!!  Head on over there and enter to win!
I am simply amazed at how full my heart is.  I'm looking forward to cleaning out my closet this weekend to donate shoes to Soles 4 Souls.  I am reminded on a daily basis how amazing my friends and family are.  I was able to participate in an amazing event to remind people that there are thousands millions of people who go without shoes daily.  And it's so refreshing to read about one more person who is ready to CHANGE THE WORLD!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

could you give them up??

This morning we had an absolutely AMAZING service at Grace Community Church.  I now have 1 more reason that I love my church family.  :)

Pastor Jim started our new series about giving.  I highly recommend that you watch it here.  ((If it's not posted yet, keep checking... it's worth it.  I promise.))  During this sermon I felt God speaking to me more than I have in awhile.  I feel like I'm meant to help out and give in some way.  My next task is to figure out what exactly I'm being called to do.

Pastor Jim talked about Japan, New Orleans, our orphanages in Thailand and Cambodia, and other community needs that our church family has stepped up to help.  During each of these stories and reminders of how we have stepped in the past, I felt extremely convicted to do something more.

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.  Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."
-Proverbs 31:8-9 

Pastor Jim ended the sermon today by asking everyone to consider donating their shoes to Soles 4 Souls.  All donated shoes will be going to those who need them in Japan.  Now think about this.  What shoes do you usually wear to church?  Probably one of your favorite pairs, right?  Would you be willing to give up one of your favorite pairs of shoes for someone you don't know??  Would you be willing to go out for lunch in your socks/barefeet so someone else doesn't have to anymore??  I'll tell you what... it felt GREAT to go out barefoot all afternoon!!  Knowing that I made an impact on someone else's life was one of the most amazing feelings I have ever felt.  I actually felt bad that I didn't have more to give right then!!
Pastor Jim blogged about today's sermon ((you can read it here)) and he posted this picture:
And this is just a SMALL portion of what was given today.

Just take a minute and think about this.  There were hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of shoes given today.  How often do you think about putting shoes on?  It's a habit.  We do it every day.  Our biggest concern is usually of what pair to wear that day or, "Do these match my outfit?"  There are thousands of people in Japan alone that lost everything.  They don't have shoes to wear anymore and no money to buy any because THEY LOST EVERYTHING.  Could you walk around barefoot all day every day?  Through the mud?  Cold water?  Across the rocks?

Now look at this:
Amazing.  That is a beautiful sight.


This whole situation has been heavy on my heart lately.  There have been so many things laying this on my heart and I need to step up and do something.  So here's my challenge to you:

1.  Go through your closet and do some spring cleaning.  It's your turn to donate.  Our youth group from church is doing a Soles 4 Souls shoe drive on Wednesday, April 13th.  Take any shoes you want to donate to Grace Community Church along with $1 per pair (for shipping costs).  If you aren't able to get them to Goshen, let me know and I will take them for you.

2.  Participate in the One Day Without Shoes on Tuesday, April 5th.  If you haven't heard about it yet, check this out.  Go all day on Tuesday without any shoes.  Be the person to initiate that conversation!!

3.  Send me your pictures of you and your barefeet!!  Post them on your blog, facebook, or email them to me!!  ((

If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.
-Proverbs 21:13

This song also spoke to me.  It brought tears to my eyes...

We are called to defend the cause:
"...learn to do right!  Seek justice, encourage the oppressed.  Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow."
-Isaiah 1:17

Friday, April 1, 2011

go just one day...

Just for one day.... go about your normal daily business... BUT without shoes.

((Shout out to Allyce to be the first of my friends to put the challenge out there!!))

Here's why:
Raise awareness for children who live EVERY DAY BAREFOOT.

According to
Of the 2.2 billion children in the world, 1 billion (every 2 children) live in poverty.

According to
"In many developing countries children have to walk barefoot to school."
"Hundreds of millions of children are at risk of injury, infection, and soil transmitted diseases that most can't afford to prevent or treat."
Watch this video to understand more of what's to be happening on Tuesday and why:
Just breaks your heart doesn't it??
 Nationally, thousands of people are joining in and going to work, school, grocery shopping, or out to eat barefoot to raise awareness for those who live everyday without shoes.  For more info, check out or
 Here's how you can do YOUR part:
1.  Join me and thousands of others by going barefoot on Tuesday, April 5th!
2.  Donate any unwanted/unused shoes your family may have to TOMS to be donated to families around the world who NEED THEM!!
3.  Tell everyone you know about this event.

take a picture of yourself barefoot on April 5th and post it on here, your own blog, facebook, or wherever!  Be the person to prompt that conversation!!

Be the change you want to see in the world.
-Mahatma Ghandi