Yes. You read that right.
I've been playing with panties. And bras.
For three days. The fourth (and hopefully last day) will be tomorrow.
And I've learned some lessons.
Now let me give you a little background before I jump to the point.
I just started my first retail job about a month ago.
I work for one of my absolute favorite stores.
And while I still continue to love the store with my whole heart, I loath going to work every day.
Now this is truly MY opinion.
I know some people who enjoy working there.
I, however, do not enjoy it. It's just not my thing.
Nothing against the store, the job, the people... just not my thing.
Now on to the important stuff.
What I have learned from playing with panties.
1. You should never have to try on panties in a store. You know what size you wear. You know if they are too big, too small, or just right. So why do you need to try them on at the store? And if you MUST try them on? Please do so over your current clothing. And really? That's just gross. My advice? Guess.
2. Panty bins? Yea those are organized for a reason. Be a gem and put things back where you got them from. And for those of you who just throw things down when you change your mind because "you're giving someone something to do." Yea that's a lie. You're lazy and all that does is make my job 10x more difficult. You're not making my job... you're just giving me extra work to do.
3. There are too many sizes of bras. For real. It's a pain in the you-know-what sorting all those sizes and placing them with smallest in front and biggest in back.
4. Almost all the men I came in contact with today began giggling like a little girl at the mention that we were working with "panties." Not even kidding. Grown. Men. Giggling.
5. All brands besides Victoria's Secret suck. Not in quality. But in sizing. Now... I've lost quite a bit in the chestal area since losing weight and can finally wear "normal" bra sizes. But I don't think I'll ever be able to wear anything except Victoria's Secret. Stupid cheap, adorable bras from megastores don't fit right. Boooo.
6. It's super awkward when you're sorting thongs and a lady comes running up to you because she's a. excited we have them and b. we have them in her size!! So guess who asked us for help in finding her size. I'm sorry lady... I don't need to pick out your thongs for you.
7. In general, humans are disgusting. Between gum stuck places, chewing tobacco spit carelessly on the floor, shelves, and product, dirty underwear from people trying it on sans sanitary barrier and putting it back on the shelf, and people leaving their soiled garments for us to clean up while they so kindly stole a fresh pair... humans. are. disgusting.
Be courteous people.
8. If I never have to purchase, see, or wear another pair of underwear or bra again, my life will be complete.
(Only kidding... I will continue to wear them in public. Home life, however, is fair game.)
So there you have it. Some of the lessons I've learned while playing with panties.
Now off to drink my glass of wine, watch Law & Order SVU, and fall asleep.
ReplyDeleteI don't work with underwear, but retail is all the same. Thanks for doing the bitching for me! You're awesome!