I've grown. I really have. Not in the literal sense (although sometimes it'd be nice to be a little taller)... but I've grown.
I moved back into my mom's house on Jan. 15th and my divorce was finalized on March 4th. That's a lot of big stuff that's happened this year.
I used to be dependent on others to make me happy. I never took care of myself physically - never got ready in the morning, hardly ever wore makeup, didn't think about what I was eating. and rarely got dressed up. I rarely took the initiative. All that's about to change!
So this is what I've learned about myself so far in my quest of self-rediscovery:
-I don't have to be with someone (friend or significant other) to be happy with my life. Happiness comes from within.
-It's a MUST to take the time to smell the roses. You'll appreciate life so much more if you do!
-Take the time to put a little mascara on... it makes a world of difference in your self-confidence if you feel like you look good!
-Don't be afraid to "splurge" (splurge responsibly please) on a new shirt or pair of pants occasionally.
-Don't be afraid to put yourself out there.
-And don't be afraid to get shot down. If they don't like it... they're not worth your time.
-Don't be afraid to try new things! You'll be surprised at what you discover!
-Alone time is a must!! Even if you have a significant other!!
-It's totally ok to have a lazy day/weekend/week.
-It's ok for things to be out of place. For us OCD people.. this was a toughie!!
-It's ok to let loose and not always be in control! In fact, it's sorta nice to not worry about everything!!
-A life without worry... is a happier life. :)
Taking the time to rediscover yourself is totally worth it!!
((and I'm not even done!!))
Yes, you have grown Steph! :)