Wednesday, July 27, 2011

jk. apparently...

So you remember back on Monday when I said I would post pictures of our delish Saturday night dinner?
Yea... apparently I was jking...
Not on purpose tho.
I had every intention of posting those mouth watering pictures for you.
Along with the recipe.
However, time got away from me.
So I STILL need to sort through the pictures and edit them.
you will finally get to see the deliciousness I dream about.
((but not reallly dream.))

I have also come to the realization that school starts in a few short weeks.
And I only have 1 more day off this summer.
I'm going to miss my days off!!
But because school is so close,
it's that time of summer that I need to buckle down and start prepping.
Gots to get those pencil boxes ready,
books sorted,
lesson plans started,
((especially since I'm starting a new curriculum this year that I'm not familiar with)),
decor all sorted and ready to put up on my walls,
and cram in any last summer plans.
It's about to get real crazy up in here these next few weeks.

Speaking of end-of-summer plans.........
The plan is to be doing this on Saturday:
That's right ya'lls.
It's time to cross something off my bucketlist.
I will be traveling to Ft. Wayne Zoo with the ex-hubs to be a kid again...
...and most importantly...
I'm super stoked.

There will def be pictures.
Lots and lots of them.
So prepare yourselves.

I'm also super stoked cause on Sunday I get to have a cousin date with my not so little cousin, Austin.
He's gettin ready to start his senior year...
which means he'll be leaving for college next year.
Not ok.
((This is us maybe 3-4 years ago... on a go-kart... that he almost killed us on... but not really))
So he's coming to hang out with me,
do a little lot of yard work,
and I will be treating him to dinner because we just miss each other that much.
And I gotta get the dl on his girl situation.
And then convince him that girls are stupid.
Cause I gots to protect him.
It's my job.

And that's what's on my mind.
And also the fact that I have just spent all this time talking to you instead of writing my lesson plans (which was my original plan).
So you should feel special.

P.S. Pray I survive the dentist today.
I'm skurred.
Real skurred.
I don't like the dentist.
At all. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

life lately...

Life has been crazy...
to say the least.

But here's my life lately...
or rather my weekend...
in pictures.

Anna on the way to Chicago!!
the cutest lil' bottles that you ever did see.
And yes, I brought them home with me.
Just in case you were wondering.
My next bathroom mirror.
I got to watch TV while I peed.
No worries... I wasn't actually peeing at this exact moment.
But I was sitting on the toilet.
(With the lid down.. sickos)
We ventured out into Chi-Town to see this chicka.
Ms. Photogenic.
((This is my cousin Rachel from Florida))
And because we're cool..
We had a photo-shoot at H&M.
With awesome shades of course.
After our attempt at a "gangsta" picture.
Our next stop: Cheesecake Factory for a slice of deliciousness.
Snickers Bar Chunk Cheesecake.
My little slice of heaven on earth.
My tummy was very happy with this decision.
 Still photogenic...
((she's gonna kill me for posting this!!
Bekah @ the American Girl Store after her Rebecca doll got her hair did.
Anna loves Rebecca doll.
Next we all headed to dinner at the Rainforest Cafe.
 Finally got to chat it up with my Aunt Lorraine.
All of us gals at dinner.
We love the city.

Sadly there are no pictures... yet!
I did take pictures of our dinner
but you will have to wait till tomorrow for that.
It was delish!!
Laura, Lanie, and I also did Just Dance 2 for approximately 2 hours.
It was a blast.
I shook what my mama gave me till I couldn't shake no more.

Grace Community Church's float for the Elkhart Co. Parade!!
((We won 2nd place. Booya!!))
Me and Steph waiting for the parade to start.
Yes, we walked approximately 5 miles in the crazy ridic humidity.
We were hot and sweaty to say the least.
But it was fun!!
 This was the highlight of my Sunday.
The ONE NAME Worship Event.
GCC's worship bands got together to put on this amazing worship service.
I'm so glad that I was able to go.
and THIS is how you praise Jesus 'round here!!
We celebrated Jesus' unconditional love for us and it was a blast!
It was so fun to see all the balloons flying around and seeing all the smiles!!

How was your weekend??!?!

Happy Monday!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


'member when I told ya'lls about being a lukewarm person for Jesus?
Well now it's time to see what a person who is obsessed with Jesus is like.

Ready for this?!

People who are obsessed with Jesus:

-give freely and openly, without censure. Obsessed people love those who hate them and who can never love them back.
People who are obsessed with Jesus are LOVERS.
-aren't consumed with their personal safety and comfort above all else. Obsessed people care more about God's kingdom coming to this earth than their own lives being shielded from pain or distress.
People who are obsessed with Jesus are RISK TAKERS.
-live lives that connect them with the poor in some way or another. Obsessed people believe that Jesus talked about money and the poor so often because it was really important to Him.
(1 John 2:4-6; Matthew 16:24-26; 1 Timothy 6:6-13)
People who are obsessed with Jesus are FRIENDS OF ALL.
-are more concerned with obeying God than doing what is expected or fulfilling the status quo. A person who is obsessed with jesus will do things that don't always make sense in terms of success or wealth on this earth. As Martin Luther put it, "There are two day on my calendar: this day and that day."
(Luke 14:25-35; Matthew 7:13-23; Matthew 8:18-22; Revelation 3:1-6)
People who are obsessed with Jesus are CRAZY ONES.
-knows that the sin of pride is always a battle. Obsessed people know that you can never be "humble enough," and so they seek to make themselves less known and Christ more known.
(Matthew 5:16; Isaiah 42:8)
People who are obsessed with Jesus are THE HUMBLE.
-do not consider service a burden. Obsessed people take joy in loving God by loving His people.
(Matthew 13:44; John 15:8)
People who are obsessed with Jesus are SERVERS.
-are known as givers, not takers. Obsessed people genuinely think that others matter as much as they do, and they are particularly aware of those who are poor around the world.
(James 2:14-26; Matthew 5:16)
People who are obsessed with Jesus are GIVERS.
-thinks about heaven frequently. Obsessed people orient their lives around eternity; they are not fixed only on what is here in front of them.
(Philippians 3:18-21)
People who are obsessed with Jesus are SOJOURNERS.
-is characterized by committed, settled, passionate love for God, above and before every other thing and every other being.
(Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
People who are obsessed with Jesus are THE ENGROSSED.
-are raw with God; they do not attempt to mask the ugliness of their sins or their failures. Obsessed people don't put it on for God; He is their safe place, where they can be at peace.
People who are obsessed with Jesus are UNGUARDED ONES.
-have an intimate relationship with Him. They are nourished by God's word throughout the day because they know that forty minutes on Sunday is not enough to sustain them for a whole week, especially when they will encounter so many distractions and alternative messages.
(Psalm 1:3)
People who are obsessed with Jesus are THE ROOTED.
-is more concerned with his or her character than comfort. Obsessed people know that true joy doesn't depend on circumstances or environment; it is a gift that must be chasen and cultivated, a gift that ultimately comes from God.
(James 1:2-4)
People who are obsessed with Jesus are THE DEDICATED.
-knows that the best thing he can do is be faithful to his Savior in every aspect of his life, continually saying "Thank you!" to God. An obsessed person knows there can never be intimacy if he is always trying to pay God back or work hard enough to be worth. He revels in his role as child and friend of God.

Ask yourself:
"Is this what I want to be doing when Christ comes back?"

So many people (including me) get all pumped up about living for Christ after hearing stories of others' passion for Christ, reading an inspiring book, or coming back from a missions trip or youth conference. But how many of us can actually say we acted on that passion and excitement and actually began living our lives for Christ?
I know I've got a loooooong way to go before I can even begin to call myself an "obsessed person." 
But think about it.
Make this the one time you actually act on that passion.
Show the world your passion.
Be a light in this world.

Happy Tuesday, loves.

Monday, July 11, 2011

miscellany monday

I got a case of the Mondays.
So hopefully this will keep your case of the Mondays away.

-I have about a bajillion mosquito bites on my left foot.
ONLY on my left foot.
No where else.
For reals.
I can COUNT 12 bites...
and that obviously doesn't include the ones I can't count.
You better believe I've gone through about a half tube of benadryl cream.
And of course they all have to be on the outside of my ankle and the top of my foot.
These guys can go to H-E-double-hockey-sticks. 

-I love the sunshine.
Absolutely love it.
I spent another 6 hour out in the sunshine this weekend.
My skin loves it too. 

-I'm getting ready to start Insanity back up!!
The plan was to begin this week.
However, I also took on being a cheer camp coach this week.
That's making it a little difficult to find the time since I'm gone from 7:15-9:00ish.
I guess we'll see how I'm feeling when I get home tonight and that will be the test of if I start this week or next...

-Speaking of cheer camp....
Our church puts on the High 5 Sports Camp every summer.
Basketball, Soccer, Cheerleading, and this year they added the Arts Camp as well.
So I signed up to coach cheerleading.
I coached last year and it was fun... but I'll definitely be exhausted by the end of the week.

-Guess what comes out this Friday!!!!!
We're down to the single digits!!
Is anyone else as flipping excited as I am?!?!
This also means that in about a year's time I will be purchasing the boxed set and having my full Harry Potter marathon!!
Woop Woop!!

Hope all ya'lls are having a happy Monday!

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

Friday, July 8, 2011


Time for some deep thinkin ya'lls.

So... I've been reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan.
Excellent book.
I highly recommend it to everyone.

There was one chapter that really spoke to me...
and I wanted to share it with all of you.

It's the profile of the lukewarm.

Lukewarm people:

-attend church fairly regularly
(Isaiah 29:13)
-give money to charity and to the church... as long as it doesn't impinge on their standard of living
(1 Chronicles 21:24; Luke 21:1-4)
-tend to choose what is popular over what is right when they are in conflict
(Luke 6:26; Revelation 3:1; Matthew 23:5-7)
-don't really want to be saved from their sin; they want only to be saved from the penalty of their sin
(John 10:10; Romans 6:1-2)
-are moved by stories about people who do radical things for Christ, yet they do not act
(James 1:22; James 4:17; Matthew 21:28-31)
-rarely share their faith with their neighbors, coworkers, or friends
(Matthew 10:32-33)
-gauge their morality or "goodness" by comparing themselvs to the secular world
(Luke 18:11-12)
-say they love Jesus, and He is, indeed, a party of their lives. But only a part
(Luke 9:57-62)
-love God, but they do not love Him with all thir heart, soul, and strength
(Matthew 22:37-38)
-love others but do not seek to love others as much as they love themselves
(Matthew 5:43-47; Luke 14:12-14)
-will serve God and others, but there are limits to how far they will go or how much time, money, and energy they are willing to give
(Luke 18:21-25)
-think about life on earth much more often than eternity in heaven
(Philippians 3:18-20; Colossians 3:2)
-are thankful for their luxuries and comforts, and rarely consider trying to give as much as possible to the poor
(Matthew 25:34, 40; Isaiah 58:6-7)
-do whatever is necessary to keep themselves from feeling too guilty
(1 Chronicles 29:14; Matthew 13:44-46)
-are continually concerned with playing it safe; they are slaves to the god of control
(1 Timothy 6:17-18; Matthew 10:28)
-feel secure because they attend church, made a profession of faith at age 12, were baptized, come from a Christian family, vote Republican, or live in America
(Matthew 7:21; Amos 6:1)
-do not live by faith; their lives are structured so they never have to. They don't have to trust God if something unexpected happens - they have their saving account
(Luke 12:16-21)
-probably drink and swear less than average, but besides that, they really aren't very different from your typical unbeliever
(Matthew 23:25-28)

"Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves."
2 Corinthians 13:5

This profile of a lukewarm Christian makes you think doesn't it?
I know I fit every single one of those.
Lukewarm people consider themselves Christians... but are they really?

"...any of you who doesn't give up EVERYTHING he has cannot by my disciple."
Luke 14:33

This is something I've been struggling with.
Giving up everything.
I'm still working on this and getting my life back on track.

I don't want to be lukewarm anymore.
Do you?

Happy deep thinking Friday, loves.

P.S. Amanda... I think you'd like this book so I'll bring it over when I'm finished. Only 3 more chapter to go!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

my holiday weekend... in pictures

Did everyone enjoy their long, holiday weekend??
I surely did.
Fo sho.

Here's just a taste of everything my weekend included.
Let's begin with Friday night: 
Pepperoni and Green Pepper pizza at Il Forno.
De. Lish.
Most amazing pizza that ever existed. 
((p.s. I want that truck.)) 
Time with my beautiful friend Laura.

Pool + Sunshine...
+ Friends = Fabulous
We also went to Texas Roadhouse to get us some rolls, cinnamon butter, and steak.

Throw in another dose of this
Fireworks at Black Squirrel Golf Club

A 3rd dose of this
(only at a different pool)
and with some awesome family...
who grilled some burgers and dogs for us.
And they were delish. 
And then a healthy dose of this guy
in this movie

It was a busy busy weekend that included LOTS of sunshine.
And LOTS of time with my friends.
((I kinda heart them all.))

However, now it's back to reality.
Tonight: clean the inside of the house.
Wednesday: afternoon/evening with Ms. Laura and Ms. Lanie.
Thursday: lots and lots of yard work.
Friday: probably sleep a lil bit.
Saturday: probably sleep a lil... but in the sunshine.
Sunday: church, pool, and a cheer camp meeting.
Next week: work and cheer camp all. week. long.

What happened to a relaxing summer?!?!
Oh well.
I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, July 1, 2011

crazy love

Raise your hand if you're excited for a long holiday weekend!!

This past week has been a rough one...
but I am uber excited for a long weekend.
And I fully intend on spending it with my besties.

For example:
Tonight I will be heading downtown Goshen for First Fridays with my homegirl Laura.
It's the annual First Fridays Cruise-in.
That means there will be lots of pretty cars to look at.
((Yes, I am a girl that loves to go to car shows and "boy" events.))
I couldn't tell you a thing about the cars but it's always been something I've enjoyed doing.
If you're in the northern Indiana region you should come hang out with us cool kids!!


time for some honesty. 

 I've been spending a lot of time thinking this week.
I'm still sorta in one of my low times so I've been trying to really refocus my life and work through this.

One thing that I've been trying to do is to refocus on God again.
There have been so many things lately that have been like God is screaming at me to grab my attention again.

This was one of those things: 
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.
1 Peter 3:3-4 

I've been struggling with my outward appearance a lot lately.
I felt pretty good about myself.
But there was still always that nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me that I wasn't good enough.

These verses were a reminder of how your outward appearance doesn't matter to God.
And really... he's the only person you should be trying to "impress."

I've also started reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan.
I began reading it last fall and got 2 chapters in before I let life take over again.
So I'm starting over.
I'm really hoping to get my life back on track and fall in love with God all over again. 

There's one sentence on page 29 that I feel everyone needs to remember:
"In our world, where hundreds of things distract us from God, we have to intentionally and consistently remind ourselves of Him."

 Makes ya think doesn't it??
Happy Friday
Happy 4th of July!!