1. Trying to convince a 65 year old woman that she does NOT know more than you and doesn't necessarily know the best way to handle things. This is more challenging than you think. I couldn't just say "you're an idiot" but I had to try to explain in a round-about way that things aren't the same as they were 40 years ago and therefore, you may not know best. Now I'm not saying I do either.... but the times have changed and so has society... things that used to be controversial may not be handled the same way anymore.
2. Making the same 65 year old woman almost cry. Awkward. No explanation needed.
3. Trying to stifle a laugh while in the bathroom because I was thinking about the days events. Granted no one else was in there at the time but still... awkward.
4. Having a conversation with parents about the happenings of the day.... especially on a day like today. (Sorry I can't divulge the details on here). The fact that I don't have children of my own makes it all the more awkward.
5. Attempting to take pictures of myself. Not only am I never happy with how I look in them, half the time they're blurry!! I look at all these self-portraits on people's facebooks (aka the mirror shots) and they don't look bad... but mine? NAST.
6. Telling a guy that I find physically attractive what clothes to wear to make him look even hotter. HA HA HA... Wow. To me, that is extremely awkward. Now he doesn't know I find him attractive, but I do and that's enough awkward for me.
7. Answering the door for the FedEx guy while I'm in the middle of my afternoon snack. It never fails - he ALWAYS comes right after I put a bite in my mouth. You'd think maybe I'd change my snack time? HA. I'm not that quick. Then proceeding to "flirt" (no I'm not hitting on him but he is nice) with him all the while trying to make sure I don't have food in my teeth.
1. Being able to look at all the days events and be able to laugh about it all. Seriously.... today was one of those days. Everything that could've went wrong did and yet - I can't help but laugh because it's all so ridic. Which leads me to my next awesome thing....
2. Not finishing words. Awesome. Words such as "ridic" or "nast".... I love it. :)
3. Compliments. I actually just received a compliment from a parent that I never expected a compliment from and it felt awesome! Parents - be sure to compliment your child's teachers... it makes their day. :)
4. Loud music and sunglasses. Since I work till 6:00 every evening this combination is nearly impossible to come across during the winter. However, with spring drawing ever so near and time change coming (yay!!) this situation will arise more often on my way home from work and I. Can't. Wait!
5. Awkward situations. As awkward as they are at the time, I can't help but laugh about them later and that is awesome. :)
6. Friendships and margaritas. Or even better: reconnecting with friends over liters of margaritas! I've been extremely blessed over the past few weekends (and this coming weekend) to spend time catching up with friends (and family) who I haven't exactly been the perfect friend to over the past few years/months and I am making a vow to stay connected to all of you! :)
7. Randomly hearing "BAZINGA" throughout my day. It always puts a smile on my face. Believe it or not I have a few 3 and 4 year olds that love watching Sheldon Cooper every week and every once in awhile I hear a "BAZINGA" while cleaning up. It. Is. Awesome!
8. Awesome hats. This past Wednesday one of my kids came to school with The. Coolest. Hat. Hands down. See for yourself below.... how awesome is that?!?! :)
And this concludes Awkward and Awesome Thursday (a day late). :D