Tuesday, September 6, 2011

get a napkin ready...

...cause you're about to drool.
I got some deliciousness coming your way today!!

(Hello BTW... I hope you all had a relaxing Labor Day weekend!!))

So... like... forever ago...
My friend Laura and I made this dinner.
Ok, well I made it while she went to her church.
Then we ate it when she got home.

I originally got the recipe from my friend Amanda.
Cause she's just awesome like that.
And now I'm sharing it with you.

Cause it was de. lish. for reals.

Umm... and we didn't really have a name for it.
We will call it:

Amanda's Amazingly Delicious Creation
Deliciousness (for short)
or I suppose you can come up with your own (but not as cool) name.

Gather your veggies.
I used:
1 yellow pepper
1 red pepper
1 orange pepper
1 summer squash
1 zucchini
and about 2-3 red potatoes
(you can always use more/less of something depending on your favs)

Also, you should have some chicken breasts unthawed.

Next. Preheat your oven.

Slice and dice my friends.
((but watch those fingers!!))
For real.
Slice up everything.
ALL those veggies.
And then throw them in a bowl.

Melt up some butta.
((aka butter))
Umm and I think I used 1-2 tbsp.
I think.

Throw that butter and some of this goodness into the bowl of veggies.

Then mix it all up.

Cover the bottom of a casserole dish or a 9x13 pan with your chicken.
Sprinkle some of that Famous Dave's seasoning on the chicken.
Then dump all those covered veggies on top of the chicken.
Once all that is in the dish,
dump some Italian dressing on top of it all.
((trust me. you don't have to use wal-mart brand.))

Finally, cover it with aluminum foil and stick it in the oven.
Cook until the potatoes are tender.
45-60ish minutes.

Once it's done,

It's delish.
For reals.
And ALL the credit goes to Amanda.
Cause there's no flippin way I'd come up with this on my own.

Not a fan of squash and zucchini??
Try it anyway with less squash and zucchini.
I was never a fan either...
but I LOVED this!!

Very yummy summer/fall dish.

Now go ahead and leave some love for Amanda's amazing creation... she totally deserves it!!

Hope you all have a very happy week!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

down under... the kitchen. still.

apparently blogger didn't like some of the pictures of my classroom?
It didn't post all the pictures.
Which whatev.. normally I'd let it go.
BUT... it didn't post my favorite ones.
And this will just not do.
Here's the rest of my classroom.

View of the front, from my desk-ish area.
And this is my favorite area.
The reading area.
I think it's completely adorable.
So simple, but so yet, so cute!

So anyways... that's all I got for ya. I didn't take pictures of my desk cause well.... it was sorta messy.
And I just didn't feel like cleaning it off right then.

I hope everything is enjoying their long, holiday weekend!!
I'm almost done with book 3 out of 52 and only 1 week into it!!
Woop woop!!

Happy Labor day y'alls!!

Go hug a worker!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

down under... the kitchen.

Hola little guppies.
I'm going with a fish theme today...
and you'll see why.

You see...
many people have been asking to see my classroom.
So here ya go folks.
Be excited.

First, I should probably explain the fishy theme.
Well, this year we moved downstairs...
into the basement.
Which is awesome.
No more answering the door for me!!
Woop woop!!
 And now we are "Down Under" the kitchen!!
Get it??
Cause I thought it was pretty clever.

So here ya go folks:

 Circle Time wall
Blocks/Building area
Welcome Bulletin Board/Helpers

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

thugs, soul thief, and sunshine.

Hola amigos.
(Sorry chicas. Had to go for the masculine plural cause I know there are some guys who read this.)

So last night.
I was sittin in my bed.
Got my awesome tunes playin.
Editing pictures.
Lots and LOTS of pictures.
And that's when I got SUPER excited for todays blog.
Not because I had anything super exciting to say...
but because I fell in love with the pictures I was editing.

Sunday I took family pictures for the Schwartz's.
AKA my aunt, uncle, and cousins.

during this time I was supposed to take individual pictures of some of the kids.
So Anna Banana and I got to work.

Now, I'm not allowed to put the "official" pictures up yet.
Not till they're all done being edited and release by the family.
But I couldn't help but share some of our "out-takes."

Cause we had a blast.

Now get your awesome playlist ready.
((Cause I swear it helps make it even better)).
And enjoy.

Sibling Love.
Everybody look straight into the sun!!
More sibling love.
"I'm 5 inches tall!!"
We stole his soul.
Poor amish guy.
After trying to jump into the car through the window/top.
She failed.
But we had a lot of good laughs!!
That's right.
My gma is a thug.
Aaaaand he's gonna kill me for posting this.
But I don't care.
Cause I loves it.

Hope you enjoyed them as much as I do.
They fill my heart up.
To the brim.

What fills your heart up to the brim??
((that's code for leave a comment.))

Happy Tuesday, loves!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

the importance of turn signals.

 Hello dear chickapeas.
It's been extremely way too long since I've updated.
Please please accept my apologies.
 School has gotten ridiculously crazy.
And I'm not gonna lie... throughout this last week,
my free time was engulfed in the magical world of Edward, Bella, Jacob, and Renesmee.
I got too flippin excited from the Breaking Dawn previews a few months back and I just had to re-read the whole series.
But I'm done now.
And I promise, I will be finding more time to update you beauties on my oh-so-wonderful life.

So instead of filling y'all in on my life for like, the past month,
I'll just fill you in on my weekend.
And then what I intend to do with my life and bloggity from now on.

So without further ado....

I ate some of this DELICIOUSNESS.
Best. Lunch. Ever.
 There's a chance a may be getting a few more pieces before the end of the year...
I gotta stock pile it before people stop selling it for the winter.

I started out my day with a wonderful service at Grace Community Church.
Then we had a family lunch at gmas.
But before lunch, my dad, gpa, and I all went for a mini roadtrip to look at 5th wheels.
Now, I love my grandfather.
But he has A.D.D.
Or maybe it's just old age...
but for reals...
our conversation included topics such as boys, politics, money, amish folk, etc.
then came the random comment:
"I recently learned the importance of having working turn signals."
Can you say scary?
I looked at my dad and asked "Do I really want to hear this story?"
Apparently he had a turn signal out, and he wasn't aware of it.
So a guy tried to pass him on the left while he was waiting to turn left. 
Now, maybe you need to meet my gpa to completely understand this.
But, I thought it was fairly amusing.
Basically because we went from discussing my love life to immediately discussing the importance of turn signals.
Then we ate chicken alfredo.
Made by Melissa Gayle.
Then everyone took naps. 
Then I had the joy of taking the Schwartz family pictures.
It was a pretty easy going day but I loved spending the time with familia.

I loves them.

And you will see pictures of Miss Anna coming soon.
We had a blast taking pictures. 
So now for my intentions.
My intentions for this lil bloggity.

I would like to blog a little more often again.
I was doing so well until this summer.
But, not having internet at home kinda threw a wrench in that little plan.
So now, I'm gonna make more time.
No excuses.

I'm vowing to take more pictures.
And post them here.
Cause I have lots of beautifulness in my life and I wanna share it.

and C.
I'm officially beginning my first attempt at #39 on my life list.
Read 52 books in a year.
I decided that I was going to start this expedition of my life as soon as I finished reading Breaking Dawn.
And since I finished that book Friday morning,
if officially began when I started reading my next book that evening.
And surprise, surprise.
I've already finished book numero uno.
So, throughout this expedition I will be writing the occasional "book review".
Now obviously I'm not gonna write about every book I read.
That's too much.
some of those books that I deem worthy enough will get a review and a recommendation for you to read it as well. 
As of right now I have about 20 books to occupy my 52 weeks.
So if you have any suggestions, please pass them on!!
Then at the end of my 52 books, I will post a list of all the books I read.
.....now lets hope I can actually accomplish this task in the first try.
Here's to reading!!

Oh, and finally,
my goal for this next year is to increase my followers.
Obviously I need to begin blogging a little more first.
But then I gots me some tricks up my sleeve.
So watch out.
And if you're reading my bloggity,
please click the "follow" button in the upper left corner of your screen.
Or shoot me a comment/email lettin me know.
I wanna get to know all y'alls too!! 
 Now it's time to finish up my school stuff for this week.
And hopefully make it home in time to watch the VMAs.
Cause that's what the cool kids do.

Adios amigos.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

#1 Pet and feed a Giraffe

Hello lovlies.
Ya'll remember back in May when I posted my life list?
Well if not, then you can check it out here.

Numero uno on my list?
Pet and feed a giraffe.

So last Saturday, July 30th,
my ex-hubs and I ventured south to Ft. Wayne to pay a little visit to the zoo.

Here are some pictures from our journey:

and the highlight of the whole trip:

Woop woop!!
Accomplishment numero uno: completed!

((BTW aren't the pictures completely gorgeous?!?!))
Pretty sure I will be playing in Photoshop soon to possibly make some of them framable art.
Just sayin.

Hope everyone is having a fabulous weekend!!
School is starting in 2 weeks so I will be MIA until then.
However, once school starts back up I will be updating MUCH more often.
Happy Saturday!!